Source code for biocsetup.create_repository

import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional

from pyscaffold import api, file_system, shell
from pyscaffoldext.markdown.extension import Markdown

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def create_repository( project_path: str, description: Optional[str] = "Add a short description here!", license: str = "MIT", ) -> None: """ Create a new BiocPy Python package repository. Args: project_path: Path where the new project should be created. description: Optional project description. license: License to use. Defaults to 'MIT'. """ # Create project using pyscaffold with markdown extension if description is None: description = "Add a short description here!" opts = { "project_path": project_path, "description": description, "license": license, "extensions": [Markdown()], } api.create_project(**opts) modified_files = [] # Get absolute path to templates directory template_dir = Path(__file__).parent / "templates" # Add GitHub Actions gh_actions_dir = Path(project_path) / ".github" / "workflows" gh_actions_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for workflow in ["run-tests.yml", "publish-pypi.yml"]: src = template_dir / "github_workflows" / workflow dst = gh_actions_dir / workflow shutil.copy2(src, dst) modified_files.append(dst) # Add pre-commit config precommit_src = template_dir / "precommit" / "pre-commit-config.yaml" precommit_dst = Path(project_path) / ".pre-commit-config.yaml" shutil.copy2(precommit_src, precommit_dst) modified_files.append(precommit_dst) # Modify sphinx conf_py_path = Path(project_path) / "docs" / "" with open(conf_py_path, "r") as f: conf_content = # Add myst-nb extension and configuration myst_config = """ # -- Biocsetup configuration ------------------------------------------------- # Enable execution of code chunks in markdown extensions.remove('myst_parser') extensions.append('myst_nb') # Less verbose api documentation extensions.append('sphinx_autodoc_typehints') autodoc_default_options = { "special-members": True, "undoc-members": True, "exclude-members": "__weakref__, __dict__, __str__, __module__", } autosummary_generate = True autosummary_imported_members = True html_theme = "furo" """ # conf_content = conf_content.replace("alabaster", "furo") with open(conf_py_path, "w") as f: f.write(conf_content + myst_config) modified_files.append(conf_py_path) # Update requirements.txt for docs docs_requirements = Path(project_path) / "docs" / "requirements.txt" with open(docs_requirements, "a") as f: f.write("myst-nb\nfuro\nsphinx-autodoc-typehints\n") modified_files.append(docs_requirements) # Modify README readme_path = Path(project_path) / "" proj_name = Path(project_path).parts[-1] new_readme = f"""[![PyPI-Server]({proj_name}.svg)]({proj_name}/) ![Unit tests]({proj_name}/actions/workflows/pypi-test.yml/badge.svg) # {proj_name} > {description} A longer description of your project goes here... ## Install To get started, install the package from [PyPI]({proj_name}/) ```bash pip install {proj_name} ``` <!-- biocsetup-notes --> ## Note This project has been set up using [BiocSetup]( and [PyScaffold]( """ with open(readme_path, "w") as f: f.write(new_readme) modified_files.append(readme_path) # Modify ppyproject.toml to add ruff configuration pyprj_path = Path(project_path) / "pyproject.toml" with open(pyprj_path, "r") as f: pyprj_content = ruff_config = """ [tool.ruff] line-length = 120 src = ["src"] exclude = ["tests"] extend-ignore = ["F821"] [tool.ruff.pydocstyle] convention = "google" [tool.ruff.format] docstring-code-format = true docstring-code-line-length = 20 [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "" = ["E402", "F401"] """ with open(pyprj_path, "w") as f: f.write(pyprj_content + ruff_config) modified_files.append(pyprj_path) with file_system.chdir(project_path): for f in modified_files: shell.git("add", str(f.relative_to(project_path))) shell.git("commit", "-m", "BiocSetup configuration") print("BiocSetup complete! 🚀 💥")