Source code for biocutils.Factor

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union

import numpy

from .assign_sequence import assign_sequence
from .combine_sequences import combine_sequences
from .factorize import factorize
from .is_list_of_type import is_list_of_type
from .is_missing_scalar import is_missing_scalar
from .match import match
from .Names import Names, _combine_names, _name_to_position, _sanitize_names
from .normalize_subscript import (
from .print_truncated import print_truncated_list
from .StringList import StringList
from .subset_sequence import subset_sequence

def _sanitize_codes(codes: Sequence[int], num_levels: int) -> numpy.ndarray:
    if not isinstance(codes, numpy.ndarray):
        replacement = numpy.ndarray(
            len(codes), dtype=numpy.min_scalar_type(-num_levels)
        )  # get a signed type.
        for i, x in enumerate(codes):
            if is_missing_scalar(x) or x < 0:
                replacement[i] = -1
                replacement[i] = x
        codes = replacement
        if len(codes.shape) != 1:
            raise ValueError("'codes' should be a 1-dimensional array")
        if not numpy.issubdtype(
            codes.dtype, numpy.signedinteger
        ):  # force it to be signed.
            codes = codes.astype(numpy.min_scalar_type(-num_levels))

    for x in codes:
        if x < -1 or x >= num_levels:
            raise ValueError(
                "all entries of 'codes' should refer to an entry of 'levels'"

    return codes

def _sanitize_levels(levels: Sequence[str], check: bool = True) -> StringList:
    if not isinstance(levels, StringList):
        levels = StringList(levels)
    if levels.get_names() is not None:
        levels = levels.set_names(None)

    if check:
        if any(x is None for x in levels):
            raise TypeError("all entries of 'levels' should be non-missing")
        if len(set(levels)) < len(levels):
            raise ValueError("all entries of 'levels' should be unique")

    return levels

[docs] class FactorIterator: """Iterator for a :py:class:`~Factor` object.""" def __init__(self, parent: "Factor"): """ Args: parent: The parent :py:class:`~Factor` object. """ self._parent = parent self._position = 0
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> "FactorIterator": """ Returns: The iterator. """ return self
[docs] def __next__(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ Returns: Level corresponding to the code at the current position, or None for missing codes. """ if self._position >= len(self._parent): raise StopIteration else: val = self._parent.get_value(self._position) self._position += 1 return val
[docs] class Factor: """Factor class, equivalent to R's ``factor``. This is a vector of integer codes, each of which is an index into a list of unique strings. The aim is to encode a list of strings as integers for easier numerical analysis. """ def __init__( self, codes: Sequence[int], levels: Sequence[str], ordered: bool = False, names: Optional[Names] = None, _validate: bool = True, ): """Initialize a Factor object. Args: codes: Sequence of codes. Each valid code should be a non-negative integer that refers to an entry ``levels``. Codes may be negative or correspond to a missing scalar (as defined by :py:meth:`~biocutils.is_missing_scalar.is_missing_scalar`), in which case they are assumed to represent missing values. levels: List of levels containing unique strings. ordered: Whether the levels are ordered. names: List of names. This should have same length as ``codes``. Alternatively None, if the factor has no names yet. _validate: Internal use only. """ if _validate: levels = _sanitize_levels(levels) codes = _sanitize_codes(codes, len(levels)) names = _sanitize_names(names, len(codes)) self._codes = codes self._levels = levels self._ordered = bool(ordered) self._names = names ################################## #####>>>> Simple getters <<<<##### ################################## def _define_output(self, in_place: bool) -> "Factor": if in_place: return self else: return copy(self)
[docs] def get_codes(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Returns: Array of integer codes, used as indices into the levels from :py:meth:`~get_levels`. Missing values are marked with -1. This should be treated as a read-only reference. To modify the codes, use :py:meth:`~set_codes` instead. """ return self._codes
@property def codes(self) -> numpy.ndarray: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_codes`.""" return self.get_codes()
[docs] def set_codes(self, codes: Sequence[int], in_place: bool = False) -> "Factor": """ Args: codes: Integer codes referencing the factor levels. This should have the same length as the current object. in_place: Whether to modify this object in-place. Returns: A modified ``Factor`` object with the new codes, either as a new object or as a reference to the current object. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) if len(codes) != len(self): raise ValueError( "length of 'codes' should be equal to that of the current object" ) output._codes = _sanitize_codes(codes, len(self._levels)) return output
[docs] def get_levels(self) -> StringList: """ Returns: List of strings containing the factor levels. This should be treated as a read-only reference. To modify the levels, use :py:meth:`~set_levels` instead. """ return self._levels
@property def levels(self) -> StringList: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_levels`.""" return self.get_levels()
[docs] def get_ordered(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if the levels are ordered, otherwise False. """ return self._ordered
@property def ordered(self) -> bool: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_ordered`.""" return self.get_ordered()
[docs] def set_ordered(self, ordered: bool, in_place: bool = False) -> "Factor": """ Args: ordered: Whether to treat the levels as being ordered. in_place: Whether to modify this object in-place. Returns: A modified ``Factor`` object with the new ordered status, either as a new object or as a reference to the current object. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._ordered = bool(ordered) return output
[docs] def get_names(self) -> Names: """ Returns: Names for the factor elements. This should be treated as a read-only reference. To modify the names, use :py:meth:`~set_names` instead. """ return self._names
@property def names(self) -> Names: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_names`.""" return self.get_names()
[docs] def set_names(self, names: Optional[Names], in_place: bool = False) -> "NamedList": """ Args: names: List of names, of the same length as this list. in_place: Whether to perform this modification in-place. Returns: A modified ``Factor`` with the new names, either as a new object or as a reference to the current object. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._names = _sanitize_names(names, len(self)) return output
################################# #####>>>> Miscellaneous <<<<##### #################################
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns: Length of the factor in terms of the number of codes. """ return len(self._codes)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> FactorIterator: """ Returns: An iterator over the factor. This will iterate over the codes and report the corresponding level (or None). """ return FactorIterator(self)
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns: A stringified representation of this object. """ tmp = ( "Factor(codes=" + print_truncated_list(self._codes) + ", levels=" + print_truncated_list(self._levels) ) if self._ordered: tmp += ", ordered=True" if self._names: tmp += ", names=" + print_truncated_list(self._names) tmp += ")" return tmp
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns: A pretty-printed representation of this object. """ message = ( "Factor of length " + str(len(self._codes)) + " with " + str(len(self._levels)) + " level" ) if len(self._levels) != 0: message += "s" message += "\n" message += ( "values: " + print_truncated_list( self._codes, transform=lambda i: self._levels[i], include_brackets=False ) + "\n" ) if self._names is not None: message += ( "names: " + print_truncated_list( self._names, transform=lambda x: x, include_brackets=False ) + "\n" ) message += ( "levels: " + print_truncated_list( self._levels, transform=lambda x: x, include_brackets=False ) + "\n" ) message += "ordered: " + str(self._ordered) return message
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: "Factor"): """ Args: other: Another ``Factor``. Returns: Whether the current object is equal to ``other``, i.e., same codes, levels, names and ordered status. """ if not isinstance(other, Factor): return False if len(self) != len(other) or self._levels != other._levels or self._names != other._names or self._ordered != other._ordered: return False return (self._codes == other._codes).all()
########################### #####>>>> Slicing <<<<##### ###########################
[docs] def get_value(self, index: Union[str, int]) -> Union[str, None]: """ Args: index: Integer index of the element to obtain. Alternatively, a string containing the name of the element, using the first occurrence if duplicate names are present. Returns: The factor level for the code at the specified position, or None if the entry is missing. """ if isinstance(index, str): index = _name_to_position(self._names, index) i = self._codes[index] if i < 0: return None return self._levels[i]
[docs] def get_slice(self, index: SubscriptTypes) -> "Factor": """ Args: index: Subset of elements to obtain, see :py:func:`~biocutils.normalize_subscript.normalize_subscript` for details. Strings are matched to names in the current object, using the first occurrence if duplicate names are present. Scalars are treated as length-1 sequences. Returns: A ``Factor`` is returned containing the specified subset. """ index, scalar = normalize_subscript(index, len(self), self._names) output = copy(self) output._codes = self._codes[index] if output._names is not None: output._names = subset_sequence(self._names, index) return output
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: SubscriptTypes) -> Union[str, "Factor"]: """ If ``index`` is a scalar, this is an alias for :py:meth:`~get_value`. If ``index`` is a sequence, this is an alias for :py:meth:`~get_slice`. """ index, scalar = normalize_subscript(index, len(self), self._names) if scalar: return self.get_value(index[0]) else: return self.get_slice(NormalizedSubscript(index))
[docs] def set_value( self, index: Union[str, int], value: Union[str, None], in_place: bool = False ) -> "Factor": """ Args: index: Integer index of the element to replace. Alternatively, a string containing the name of the element, using the first occurrence if duplicate names are present. value: Replacement value. This should be a string corresponding to a factor level, or None if missing. in_place: Whether to perform the modification in place. Returns: A ``Factor`` object with the modified entry at ``index``. This is either a new object or a reference to the current object. """ if in_place: output = self else: output = copy(self) output._codes = copy(self._codes) if isinstance(index, str): index = _name_to_position(self._names, index) if value is None: output._codes[index] = -1 return output for i, l in enumerate(output._levels): if l == value: output._codes[index] = i return output raise IndexError("failed to find level '" + str(value) + "'")
[docs] def set_slice(self, index: SubscriptTypes, value: "Factor", in_place: bool = False): """ Replace items in the ``Factor`` list. The ``index`` elements in the current object are replaced with the corresponding values in ``value``. This is performed by finding the level for each entry of the replacement ``value``, matching it to a level in the current object, and replacing the entry of ``codes`` with the code of the matched level. If there is no matching level, a missing value is inserted. Args: index: Subset of elements to replace, see :py:func:`~biocutils.normalize_subscript.normalize_subscript` for details. Strings are matched to names in the current object, using the first occurrence if duplicate names are present. Scalars are treated as length-1 sequences. value: A ``Factor`` of the same length containing the replacement values. in_place: Whether the replacement should be performed in place. Returns: A ``Factor`` object with values at ``index`` replaced by ``value``. This is either a new object or a reference to the current object, depending on ``in_place``. """ if in_place: output = self else: output = copy(self) output._codes = copy(self._codes) new_codes = output._codes index, scalar = normalize_subscript(index, len(self), self._names) if self._levels == value._levels: for i, x in enumerate(index): new_codes[x] = value._codes[i] else: mapping = match(value._levels, self._levels) for i, x in enumerate(index): v = value._codes[i] if v >= 0: new_codes[x] = mapping[v] else: new_codes[x] = -1 return output
[docs] def __setitem__(self, index: SubscriptTypes, value: Union[str, "Factor"]): """ If ``index`` is a scalar, this is an alias for :py:meth:`~set_value`. If ``index`` is a sequence, this is an alias for :py:meth:`~set_slice`. """ index, scalar = normalize_subscript(index, len(self), self._names) if scalar: self.set_value(index, value, in_place=True) else: self.set_slice(NormalizedSubscript(index), value, in_place=True)
################################# #####>>>> Level setting <<<<##### #################################
[docs] def drop_unused_levels(self, in_place: bool = False) -> "Factor": """Drop unused levels. Args: in_place: Whether to perform this modification in-place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, returns same type as caller (a new ``Factor`` object) where all unused levels have been removed. If ``in_place = True``, unused levels are removed from the current object; a reference to the current object is returned. """ if in_place: output = self else: output = copy(self) output._codes = copy(self._codes) in_use = [False] * len(self._levels) for x in self._codes: if x >= 0: in_use[x] = True new_levels = StringList([]) reindex = [-1] * len(in_use) for i, x in enumerate(in_use): if x: reindex[i] = len(new_levels) new_levels.append(self._levels[i]) new_codes = output._codes for i, x in enumerate(self._codes): if x >= 0: new_codes[i] = reindex[x] output._levels = new_levels return output
[docs] def set_levels( self, levels: Union[str, Sequence[str]], in_place: bool = False ) -> "Factor": """Set or replace levels. Args: levels: A sequence of replacement levels. These should be unique strings with no missing values. Alternatively a single string containing an existing level in this object. The new levels are defined as a permutation of the existing levels where the provided string is now the first level. The order of all other levels is preserved. in_place: Whether to perform this modification in-place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, returns same type as caller (a new ``Factor`` object) where the levels have been replaced. This will automatically update the codes so that they still refer to the same string in the new ``levels``. If a code refers to a level that is not present in the new ``levels``, it is replaced with None. If ``in_place = True``, the levels are replaced in the current object, and a reference to the current object is returned. """ if in_place: output = self else: output = copy(self) output._codes = copy(self._codes) lmapping = {} if isinstance(levels, str): new_levels = StringList([levels]) for x in self._levels: if x == levels: lmapping[x] = 0 else: lmapping[x] = len(new_levels) new_levels.append(x) if levels not in lmapping: raise ValueError( "string 'levels' should already be present among object levels" ) else: new_levels = levels if not isinstance(new_levels, StringList): new_levels = StringList(levels) for i, x in enumerate(new_levels): if x is None: raise TypeError("all entries of 'levels' should be non-missing") if x in lmapping: raise ValueError("all entries of 'levels' should be unique") lmapping[x] = i mapping = [-1] * len(self._levels) for i, x in enumerate(self._levels): if x in lmapping: mapping[i] = lmapping[x] new_codes = output._codes for i, x in enumerate(new_codes): if x >= 0: new_codes[i] = mapping[x] else: new_codes[i] = -1 output._levels = new_levels return output
########################### #####>>>> Copying <<<<##### ###########################
[docs] def __copy__(self) -> "Factor": """ Returns: A shallow copy of the ``Factor`` object. """ return type(self)( self._codes, levels=self._levels, ordered=self._ordered, names=self._names, _validate=False, )
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "Factor": """ Returns: A deep copy of the ``Factor`` object. """ return type(self)( deepcopy(self._codes, memo), levels=deepcopy(self._levels, memo), ordered=self._ordered, names=deepcopy(self._names, memo), _validate=False, )
############################# #####>>>> Coercions <<<<##### #############################
[docs] def to_pandas(self): """Coerce to :py:class:`~pandas.Categorical` object. Returns: Categorical: A :py:class:`~pandas.Categorical` object. """ from pandas import Categorical return Categorical( values=[self._levels[c] for c in self._codes], ordered=self._ordered, )
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sequence( x: Sequence[str], levels: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, sort_levels: bool = True, ordered: bool = False, names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> "Factor": """Convert a sequence of hashable values into a factor. Args: x: A sequence of strings. Any value may be None to indicate missingness. levels: Sequence of reference levels, against which the entries in ``x`` are compared. If None, this defaults to all unique values of ``x``. sort_levels: Whether to sort the automatically-determined levels. If False, the levels are kept in order of their appearance in ``x``. Not used if ``levels`` is explicitly supplied. ordered: Whether the levels should be assumed to be ordered. Note that this refers to their importance and has nothing to do with their sorting order or with the setting of ``sort_levels``. names: List of names. This should have same length as ``x``. Alternatively None, if the factor has no names. Returns: A ``Factor`` object. """ levels, indices = factorize(x, levels=levels, sort_levels=sort_levels) return Factor(indices, levels=levels, ordered=ordered, names=names)
@subset_sequence.register def _subset_sequence_Factor(x: Factor, indices: Sequence[int]) -> Factor: return x.get_slice(NormalizedSubscript(indices)) @assign_sequence.register def _assign_sequence_Factor(x: Factor, indices: Sequence[int], other: Factor) -> Factor: return x.set_slice(NormalizedSubscript(indices), other) @combine_sequences.register(Factor) def _combine_factors(*x: Factor): if not is_list_of_type(x, Factor): raise ValueError("all elements to `combine` must be `Factor` objects") first = x[0] first_levels = first._levels all_same = True for f in x[1:]: cur_levels = f._levels if cur_levels != first_levels or f._ordered != first._ordered: all_same = False break new_codes = [] if all_same: for f in x: new_codes.append(f._codes) new_levels = first._levels new_ordered = first._ordered else: all_levels_map = {} new_levels = StringList() for f in x: mapping = [] for i, y in enumerate(f._levels): if y not in all_levels_map: all_levels_map[y] = len(new_levels) new_levels.append(y) mapping.append(all_levels_map[y]) curout = numpy.ndarray( len(f), dtype=numpy.min_scalar_type(-len(new_levels)) ) for i, j in enumerate(f._codes): if j < 0: curout[i] = j else: curout[i] = mapping[j] new_codes.append(curout) new_ordered = False return type(x[0])( codes=combine_sequences(*new_codes), levels=new_levels, ordered=new_ordered, names=_combine_names(*x, get_names=lambda x: x.get_names()), _validate=False, )