[docs]@singledispatchdefcombine_sequences(*x:Any):"""Combine vector-like objects (1-dimensional arrays). If all elements are :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, we combine them using numpy's :py:func:`~numpy.concatenate`. If all elements are :py:class:`~pandas.Series` objects, they are combined using :py:func:`~pandas.concat`. For all other scenarios, all elements are coerced to a :py:class:`~list` and combined. Args: x: Vector-like objects to combine. All elements of ``x`` are expected to be the same class or atleast compatible with each other. Returns: A combined object, ideally of the same type as the first element in ``x``. """raiseNotImplementedError("no `combine_sequences` method implemented for '"+type(x[0]).__name__+"' objects")