Source code for biocgenerics.combine_cols

from functools import singledispatch
from typing import Any
from warnings import warn

from biocutils import is_list_of_type
from biocutils.package_utils import is_package_installed
from numpy import hstack, ndarray

from .utils import _convert_sparse_to_dense, _do_arrays_match

__author__ = "jkanche"
__copyright__ = "jkanche"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] @singledispatch def combine_cols(*x: Any): """Combine n-dimensional objects along the second dimension. If all elements are :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, we combine them using numpy's :py:func:`~numpy.concatenate`. If all elements are either :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.spmatrix` or :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.sparray`, these objects are combined using scipy's :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.hstack`. If all elements are :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` objects, they are combined using :py:func:`~pandas.concat` along the second axis. Args: x (Any): n-dimensional objects to combine. All elements of x are expected to be the same class or atleast compatible with each other. Returns: A combined object, typically the same type as the first element in ``x``. A :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray`, if the elements are a mix of dense and sparse objects. """ raise NotImplementedError("`combine_cols` method is not implemented for objects.")
def _generic_combine_cols_dense_sparse(x): elems = [] for elem in x: if not isinstance(elem, ndarray): elem = _convert_sparse_to_dense(elem) elems.append(elem) if _do_arrays_match(elems, 0) is not True: raise ValueError("1st dimension does not match across all elements.") return hstack(elems) @combine_cols.register(ndarray) def _combine_cols_dense_arrays(*x: ndarray): if is_list_of_type(x, ndarray): if _do_arrays_match(x, 0) is not True: raise ValueError("1st dimension does not match across all elements.") return hstack(x) warn("Not all elements are numpy ndarrays.") if all([hasattr(y, "shape") for y in x]) is True: # assuming it's a mix of numpy and scipy arrays return _generic_combine_cols_dense_sparse(x) raise ValueError("All elements must be 2-dimensional matrices.") if is_package_installed("scipy") is True: import scipy.sparse as sp def _combine_cols_sparse_matrices(*x): if is_list_of_type(x, sp.spmatrix): sp_conc = sp.hstack(x) if _do_arrays_match(x, 0) is not True: raise ValueError("1st dimension does not match across all elements.") first = x[0] if isinstance(first, sp.csr_matrix): return sp_conc.tocsr() elif isinstance(first, sp.csc_matrix): return sp_conc.tocsc() elif isinstance(first, sp.bsr_matrix): return sp_conc.tobsr() elif isinstance(first, sp.coo_matrix): return sp_conc.tocoo() elif isinstance(first, sp.dia_matrix): return sp_conc.todia() elif isinstance(first, sp.lil_matrix): return sp_conc.tolil() else: return sp_conc warn("Not all elements are scipy sparse matrices.") if is_list_of_type(x, (ndarray, sp.spmatrix)): return _generic_combine_cols_dense_sparse(x) raise ValueError("All elements must be 2-dimensional matrices.") try: def _combine_cols_sparse_arrays(*x): if is_list_of_type(x, sp.sparray): sp_conc = sp.hstack(x) if _do_arrays_match(x, 0) is not True: raise ValueError( "1st dimension does not match across all elements." ) first = x[0] if isinstance(first, sp.csr_array): return sp_conc.tocsr() elif isinstance(first, sp.csc_array): return sp_conc.tocsc() elif isinstance(first, sp.bsr_array): return sp_conc.tobsr() elif isinstance(first, sp.coo_array): return sp_conc.tocoo() elif isinstance(first, sp.dia_array): return sp_conc.todia() elif isinstance(first, sp.lil_array): return sp_conc.tolil() else: return sp_conc warn("Not all elements are scipy sparse arrays.") if is_list_of_type(x, (ndarray, sp.sparray, sp.spmatrix)): return _generic_combine_cols_dense_sparse(x) raise ValueError("All elements must be 2-dimensional arrays.") combine_cols.register(sp.sparray, _combine_cols_sparse_arrays) except Exception: pass try: combine_cols.register(sp.spmatrix, _combine_cols_sparse_matrices) except Exception: pass if is_package_installed("pandas") is True: from pandas import DataFrame, concat @combine_cols.register(DataFrame) def _combine_cols_pandas_dataframe(*x): if is_list_of_type(x, DataFrame): return concat(x, axis=0) raise TypeError("All elements must be Pandas `DataFrame` objects.")