Source code for iranges.IRanges

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from warnings import warn

import biocutils as ut
import numpy as np
from biocframe import BiocFrame
from biocutils import Names, combine_rows, combine_sequences, show_as_cell

from .interval import (

__author__ = "Aaron Lun, Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "LTLA, jkanche"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] class IRangesIter: """An iterator to :py:class:`~iranges.IRanges.IRanges`. Args: obj (IRanges): Object to iterate. """
[docs] def __init__(self, obj: "IRanges") -> None: """Initialize the iterator. Args: obj: Source object to iterate. """ self._iranges = obj self._current_index = 0
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def __next__(self): if self._current_index < len(self._iranges): iter_row_index = ( self._iranges.names[self._current_index] if self._iranges.names is not None else None ) iter_slice = self._iranges.get_row(self._current_index) self._current_index += 1 return (iter_row_index, iter_slice) raise StopIteration
[docs] class IRanges: """A collection of integer ranges, equivalent to the ``IRanges`` class from the `Bioconductor package <>`_ of the same name. This holds a **start** position and a **width**, and is most typically used to represent coordinates along some genomic sequence. The interpretation of the start position depends on the application; for sequences, the start is usually a 1-based position, but other use cases may allow zero or even negative values. """
[docs] def __init__( self, start: Sequence[int] = [], width: Sequence[int] = [], names: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, validate: bool = True, ): """ Args: start: Sequence of integers containing the start position for each range. All values should fall within the range that can be represented by a 32-bit signed integer. width: Sequence of integers containing the width for each range. This should be of the same length as ``start``. All values should be non-negative and fall within the range that can be represented by a 32-bit signed integer. Similarly, ``start + width`` should not exceed the range of a 32-bit signed integer. names: Sequence of strings containing the name for each range. This should have length equal to ``start`` and should only contain strings. If no names are present, None may be supplied instead. mcols: A data frame containing additional metadata columns for each range. This should have number of rows equal to the length of ``start``. If None, defaults to a zero-column data frame. metadata: Additional metadata. If None, defaults to an empty dictionary. validate: Whether to validate the arguments, internal use only. """ self._start = self._sanitize_start(start) self._width = self._sanitize_width(width) self._names = self._sanitize_names(names) self._mcols = self._sanitize_mcols(mcols) self._metadata = self._sanitize_metadata(metadata) if validate: self._validate_width() self._validate_names() self._validate_mcols() self._validate_metadata()
def _sanitize_start(self, start): return np.asarray(start, dtype=np.int32) def _sanitize_width(self, width): return np.asarray(width, dtype=np.int32) def _validate_width(self): if len(self._start) != len(self._width): raise ValueError("'start' and 'width' should have the same length") if (self._width < 0).any(): raise ValueError("'width' must be non-negative") if (self._start + self._width < self._start).any(): raise ValueError("end position should fit in a 32-bit signed integer") def _sanitize_names(self, names): if names is None: return None elif not isinstance(names, list): names = Names(names) return names def _validate_names(self): if self._names is None: return None if not ut.is_list_of_type(self._names, str): raise ValueError("'names' should be a list of strings") if len(self._names) != len(self._start): raise ValueError("'names' and 'start' should have the same length") def _sanitize_mcols(self, mcols): if mcols is None: return BiocFrame({}, number_of_rows=len(self._start)) else: return mcols def _validate_mcols(self): if not isinstance(self._mcols, BiocFrame): raise TypeError("'mcols' should be a BiocFrame") if self._mcols.shape[0] != len(self._start): raise ValueError( "Number of rows in 'mcols' should be equal to length of 'start'" ) def _sanitize_metadata(self, metadata): if metadata is None: return {} elif not isinstance(metadata, dict): metadata = dict(metadata) return metadata def _validate_metadata(self): if not isinstance(self._metadata, dict): raise TypeError("'metadata' should be a dictionary") ######################## #### Getter/setters #### ########################
[docs] def get_start(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get all start positions. Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the start positions for all ranges. """ return self._start
[docs] def set_start(self, start: Sequence[int], in_place: bool = False) -> "IRanges": """Modify start positions (in-place operation). Args: start: Sequence of start positions, see the constructor for details. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified start positions. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) if len(start) != len(output._start): raise ValueError("length of 'start' should be equal to 'length(<IRanges>)'") output._start = output._sanitize_start(start) return output
@property def start(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get all start positions. Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the start positions for all ranges. """ return self.get_start() @start.setter def start(self, start: Sequence[int]): """Modify start positions (in-place operation). Args: start: Sequence of start positions, see the constructor for details. """ warn( "Setting property 'start'is an in-place operation, use 'set_start' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_start(start, in_place=True)
[docs] def get_width(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get width of each interval. Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the widths for all ranges. """ return self._width
[docs] def set_width(self, width: Sequence[int], in_place: bool = False) -> "IRanges": """ Args: width: Sequence of widths, see the constructor for details. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified widths. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._width = output._sanitize_width(width) output._validate_width() return output
@property def width(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get width of each interval. Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the widths for all ranges. """ return self.get_width() @width.setter def width(self, width: Sequence[int]): """Set or modify width of each interval (in-place operation). Args: width: Sequence of widths, see the constructor for details. """ warn( "Setting property 'width'is an in-place operation, use 'set_width' instead", UserWarning, ) return self.set_width(width, in_place=True)
[docs] def get_end(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get all end positions. Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the end position (not inclusive) for all ranges. """ return self._start + self._width
@property def end(self) -> np.ndarray: """Get all end positions (read-only). Returns: NumPy array of 32-bit signed integers containing the end position (not inclusive) for all ranges. """ return self.get_end()
[docs] def get_names(self) -> Optional[Names]: """Get all names. Returns: List containing the names for all ranges, or None if no names are present. """ return self._names
[docs] def set_names( self, names: Optional[Sequence[str]], in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """ Args: names: Sequence of names or None, see the constructor for details. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified names. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._names = output._sanitize_names(names) output._validate_names() return output
@property def names(self) -> Optional[Names]: """Get all names. Returns: List containing the names for all ranges, or None if no names are available. """ return self.get_names() @names.setter def names(self, names: Optional[Sequence[str]]): """Set new names (in-place operation). Args: names: Sequence of names or None, see the constructor for details. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified names. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ warn( "Setting property 'names'is an in-place operation, use 'set_names' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_names(names, in_place=True)
[docs] def get_mcols(self) -> BiocFrame: """Get metadata about ranges. Returns: Data frame containing additional metadata columns for all ranges. """ return self._mcols
[docs] def set_mcols( self, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame], in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """Set new metadata about ranges. Args: mcols: Data frame of additional columns, see the constructor for details. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified metadata columns. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._mcols = output._sanitize_mcols(mcols) output._validate_mcols() return output
@property def mcols(self) -> BiocFrame: """Get metadata about ranges. Returns: Data frame containing additional metadata columns for all ranges. """ return self.get_mcols() @mcols.setter def mcols(self, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame]): """Set new metadata about ranges (in-place operation). Args: mcols: Data frame of additional columns, see the constructor for details. """ warn( "Setting property 'mcols'is an in-place operation, use 'set_mcols' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_mcols(mcols, in_place=True)
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> dict: """Get additional metadata. Returns: Dictionary containing additional metadata. """ return self._metadata
[docs] def set_metadata( self, metadata: Optional[dict], in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """Set or replace metadata. Args: metadata: Additional metadata. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the modified metadata. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) output._metadata = output._sanitize_metadata(metadata) output._validate_metadata() return output
@property def metadata(self) -> dict: """Get additional metadata. Returns: Dictionary containing additional metadata. """ return self.get_metadata() @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata: Optional[dict]): """Set or replace metadata (in-place operation). Args: metadata: Additional metadata. """ warn( "Setting property 'metadata'is an in-place operation, use 'set_metadata' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_metadata(metadata, in_place=True) def _define_output(self, in_place): if in_place: return self else: return self.__copy__() ######################### #### Getitem/setitem #### #########################
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns: Length of this object. """ return len(self._start)
[docs] def __getitem__( self, subset: Union[Sequence, int, str, bool, slice, range] ) -> "IRanges": """Subset the IRanges. Args: subset: Integer indices, a boolean filter, or (if the current object is named) names specifying the ranges to be extracted, see :py:meth:`~biocutils.normalize_subscript.normalize_subscript`. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object containing the ranges of interest. """ idx, _ = ut.normalize_subscript(subset, len(self), self._names) return type(self)( start=self._start[idx] if len(self._start) > 0 else [], width=self._width[idx] if len(self._width) > 0 else [], names=ut.subset(self._names, idx) if self._names is not None else None, mcols=self._mcols[list(idx), :], metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def __setitem__( self, args: Union[Sequence, int, str, bool, slice, range], value: "IRanges" ): """Add or update positions (in-place operation). Args: subset: Integer indices, a boolean filter, or (if the current object is named) names specifying the ranges to be replaced, see :py:meth:`~biocutils.normalize_subscript.normalize_subscript`. value: An ``IRanges`` object of length equal to the number of ranges to be replaced, as specified by ``subset``. Returns: Specified ranges are replaced by ``value`` in the current object. """ idx, _ = ut.normalize_subscript(args, len(self), self._names) self._start[idx] = value._start self._width[idx] = value._width self._mcols[idx, :] = value._mcols if value._names is not None: if self._names is None: self._names = [""] * len(self) for i, j in enumerate(idx): self._names[j] = value._names[i] elif self._names is not None: for i, j in enumerate(idx): self._names[j] = ""
################## #### Printing #### ##################
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: with np.printoptions(threshold=50, edgeitems=3): message = "IRanges(start=" + repr(self._start) message += ", width=" + repr(self._width) if self._names: message += ", names=" + ut.print_truncated_list(self._names) if self._mcols.shape[1] > 0: message += ", mcols=" + repr(self._mcols) if len(self._metadata): message += ", metadata=" + ut.print_truncated_dict(self._metadata) message += ")" return message
def __str__(self) -> str: nranges = len(self) nmcols = self._mcols.shape[1] output = ( "IRanges object with " + str(nranges) + " range" + ("" if nranges == 1 else "s") + " and " + str(nmcols) + " metadata column" + ("" if nmcols == 1 else "s") + "\n" ) added_table = False if nranges: if nranges <= 10: indices = range(nranges) insert_ellipsis = False else: indices = [0, 1, 2, nranges - 3, nranges - 2, nranges - 1] insert_ellipsis = True raw_floating = ut.create_floating_names(self._names, indices) if insert_ellipsis: raw_floating = raw_floating[:3] + [""] + raw_floating[3:] floating = ["", ""] + raw_floating columns = [] sub_start = self._start[indices] sub_width = self._width[indices] sub_end = sub_start + sub_width for prop, val in [ ("start", sub_start), ("end", sub_end), ("width", sub_width), ]: header = [prop, "<" + ut.print_type(val) + ">"] showed = show_as_cell(val, range(len(val))) if insert_ellipsis: showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:] columns.append(header + showed) if self._mcols.shape[1] > 0: spacer = ["|"] * (len(indices) + insert_ellipsis) columns.append(["", ""] + spacer) for col in self._mcols.get_column_names(): data = self._mcols.column(col) showed = show_as_cell(data, indices) header = [col, "<" + ut.print_type(data) + ">"] showed = ut.truncate_strings( showed, width=max(40, len(header[0]), len(header[1])) ) if insert_ellipsis: showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:] columns.append(header + showed) output += ut.print_wrapped_table(columns, floating_names=floating) added_table = True footer = [] if len(self._metadata): footer.append( "metadata(" + str(len(self._metadata)) + "): " + ut.print_truncated_list( list(self._metadata.keys()), sep=" ", include_brackets=False, transform=lambda y: y, ) ) if len(footer): if added_table: output += "\n------\n" output += "\n".join(footer) return output ################# #### Copying #### #################
[docs] def __copy__(self) -> "IRanges": """Shallow copy of the object. Returns: Same type as the caller, a shallow copy of this object. """ return type(self)( start=self._start, width=self._width, names=self._names, mcols=self._mcols, metadata=self._metadata, validate=False, )
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> "IRanges": """Deep copy of the object. Args: memo: Passed to internal :py:meth:`~deepcopy` calls. Returns: Same type as the caller, a deep copy of this object. """ return type(self)( start=deepcopy(self._start, memo), width=deepcopy(self._width, memo), names=deepcopy(self._names, memo), mcols=deepcopy(self._mcols, memo), metadata=deepcopy(self._metadata, memo), validate=False, )
[docs] def get_row(self, index_or_name: Union[str, int]) -> "IRanges": """Access a row by index or row name. Args: index_or_name: Integer index of the row to access. Alternatively, you may provide a string specifying the row name to access, only if :py:attr:`~iranges.IRanges.IRanges.names` are available. Raises: ValueError: If ``index_or_name`` is not in row names. If the integer index is greater than the number of rows. TypeError: If ``index_or_name`` is neither a string nor an integer. Returns: IRanges: A sliced IRanges object. """ if not isinstance(index_or_name, (int, str)): raise TypeError("`index_or_name` must be either an integer index or name.") return self[index_or_name]
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> IRangesIter: """Iterator over intervals.""" return IRangesIter(self)
############################# #### inter range methods #### ############################# def _sanitize_vec_argument( self, vec: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]], allow_none: bool = False, ): _size = len(self) if vec is None and allow_none is True: return None if isinstance(vec, int): return vec elif ut.is_list_of_type(vec, int, ignore_none=allow_none): vec = np.asarray(vec) if len(vec) < _size: raise ValueError("Provided argument must match the number of intervals.") elif len(vec) > _size: warn("Truncating argument to the number of intervals.") vec = vec[:_size] return vec
[docs] def clip_intervals( self, shift: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray] = 0, width: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, adjust_width_by_shift: bool = False, ) -> "IRanges": """Clip intervals. Starts are always clipped to positive interval ranges (1, Inf). If ``width`` is specified, the intervals are clipped to (1, width). Args: shift: Shift all starts before clipping. Defaults to 0. width: Clip width of each interval. Defaults to None. adjust_width_by_shift: Whether to adjust the width based on `shift`. Defaults to False. Returns: A ``IRanges`` object, with the clipped intervals. """ _clipped_starts = [] _clipped_widths = [] _clipped_names = [] _ashift = self._sanitize_vec_argument(shift, False) _awidth = self._sanitize_vec_argument(width, True) counter = 0 for name, val in self: _start = val.start[0] _width = val.width[0] _pshift = shift if isinstance(shift, int) else _ashift[counter] _pwidth = ( width if width is None or isinstance(width, int) else _awidth[counter] ) if _pshift > 0: _start += _pshift if adjust_width_by_shift is True: _width -= _pshift if _pwidth is not None: if _start + _width > _pwidth: _width = _pwidth - _start counter += 1 if _start < 1: _start = 1 _width = val.end[0] - _start _end = _start + _width if _end < 1: continue _clipped_starts.append(_start) _clipped_widths.append(_width) _clipped_names.append(name if name is not None else str(counter - 1)) if all(x is None for x in _clipped_names): _clipped_names = None return IRanges(_clipped_starts, _clipped_widths, names=_clipped_names)
[docs] def coverage( self, shift: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray] = 0, width: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, weight: Union[int, float] = 1, ) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate coverage, for each position, counts the number of intervals that cover it. Args: shift: Shift all intervals. Defaults to 0. width: Restrict the width of all intervals. Defaults to None. weight: Weight to use. Defaults to 1. Raises: TypeError: If 'weight' is not a number. If 'width' is not an expected type. Returns: A numpy array with the coverage vector. """ new_ranges = self.clip_intervals(shift=shift, width=width) if weight is not None and not isinstance(weight, (int, float)): raise TypeError("'width' must be an integer or float.") if isinstance(width, (np.ndarray, list)): width = width.max() cov, _ = create_np_interval_vector(new_ranges, force_size=width, value=weight) return cov
[docs] def range(self) -> "IRanges": """Concatenate all intervals. Returns: An new ``IRanges`` instance with a single range, the minimum of all the start positions, Maximum of all end positions. """ min_start = self.start.min() max_end = self.end.max() return IRanges([min_start], [max_end - min_start])
[docs] def reduce( self, with_reverse_map: bool = False, drop_empty_ranges: bool = False, min_gap_width: int = 1, ) -> "IRanges": """Reduce orders the ranges, then merges overlapping or adjacent ranges. Args: with_reverse_map: Whether to return map of indices back to original object. Defaults to False. drop_empty_ranges: Whether to drop empty ranges. Defaults to False. min_gap_width: Ranges separated by a gap of at least ``min_gap_width`` positions are not merged. Defaults to 1. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object with reduced intervals. """ if min_gap_width < 0: raise ValueError("'min_gap_width' cannot be negative.") order = self.order() starts = self._start[order] widths = self._width[order] ends = starts + widths - 1 if drop_empty_ranges: valid_mask = widths > 0 starts = starts[valid_mask] ends = ends[valid_mask] widths = widths[valid_mask] order = np.array(order)[valid_mask] gaps = np.r_[starts[1:] - ends[:-1], np.inf] merge_mask = np.r_[True, gaps <= min_gap_width][:-1] merge_groups = np.cumsum(~merge_mask) unique_groups = np.unique(merge_groups) result_starts = [] result_widths = [] result_revmaps = [] for group in unique_groups: group_mask = merge_groups == group group_starts = starts[group_mask] group_ends = ends[group_mask] group_indices = order[group_mask] start = group_starts.min() end = group_ends.max() width = end - start + 1 result_starts.append(start) result_widths.append(width) result_revmaps.append(group_indices.tolist()) result = IRanges(result_starts, result_widths) if with_reverse_map: result._mcols.set_column("revmap", result_revmaps, in_place=True) return result
def _get_intervals_as_list(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]: """Internal method to get intervals as a list of tuples. Returns: List of tuples containing the start, end and the index. """ intvals = [] for i in range(len(self)): intvals.append((self.start[i], self.end[i], i)) return intvals
[docs] def order(self, decreasing: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """Get the order of indices for sorting. Args: decreasing: Whether to sort in descending order. Defaults to False. Returns: NumPy vector containing index positions in the sorted order. """ order_buf = sorted( range(len(self)), key=lambda i: (self._start[i], self._width[i]) ) if decreasing: return np.asarray(order_buf[::-1]) return np.asarray(order_buf)
[docs] def sort(self, decreasing: bool = False, in_place: bool = False) -> "IRanges": """Sort the intervals. Args: decreasing: Whether to sort in descending order. Defaults to False. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the sorted intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ order = self.order(decreasing=decreasing) output = self._define_output(in_place) return output[order]
[docs] def gaps(self, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None) -> "IRanges": """Gaps returns an ``IRanges`` object representing the set of integers that remain after the intervals are removed specified by the start and end arguments. Args: start: Restrict start position. Defaults to 1. end: Restrict end position. Defaults to None. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` is with the gap regions. """ out_ranges = [] order_buf = self.order() if start is not None: max_end = start - 1 else: max_end = float("inf") for i in order_buf: width_j = self._width[i] if width_j == 0: continue start_j = self._start[i] end_j = start_j + width_j - 1 if max_end == float("inf"): max_end = end_j else: gapstart = max_end + 1 if end is not None and start_j > end + 1: start_j = end + 1 gapwidth = start_j - gapstart if gapwidth >= 1: out_ranges.append((gapstart, gapwidth)) max_end = end_j elif end_j > max_end: max_end = end_j if end is not None and max_end >= end: break if end is not None and max_end is not None and max_end < end: gapstart = max_end + 1 gapwidth = end - max_end out_ranges.append((gapstart, gapwidth)) _gapstarts = [] _gapends = [] if len(out_ranges): _gapstarts, _gapends = zip(*out_ranges) return IRanges(_gapstarts, _gapends)
[docs] def gaps_numpy( self, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None ) -> "IRanges": """Gaps returns an ``IRanges`` object representing the set of integers that remain after the intervals are removed specified by the start and end arguments. This function uses a vectorized approach using numpy vectors. The normal :py:meth:`~.gaps` method performs better in most cases. Args: start: Restrict start position. Defaults to 1. end: Restrict end position. Defaults to None. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` is with the gap regions. """ mask = self._width > 0 starts = self._start[mask] widths = self._width[mask] order = np.argsort(starts) starts = starts[order] widths = widths[order] ends = starts + widths gaps = np.r_[starts[1:] - ends[:-1], np.inf] merge_mask = np.r_[True, gaps <= 0][:-1] merge_groups = np.cumsum(~merge_mask) unique_groups = np.unique(merge_groups) result_starts = [] result_ends = [] first = merge_groups == unique_groups[0] current_start = starts[first].min() current_end = ends[first].max() if start is not None and start < current_start: result_starts.append(start) result_ends.append(current_start) for group in unique_groups[1:]: group_mask = merge_groups == group group_starts = starts[group_mask] group_ends = ends[group_mask] _start = group_starts.min() _end = group_ends.max() if _start - current_end > 0: result_starts.append(current_end) result_ends.append(_start) current_start = _start current_end = _end else: current_end = _end if end is not None and end > current_end: result_starts.append(current_end) result_ends.append(end + 1) result_starts = np.array(result_starts) result_ends = np.array(result_ends) result_widths = result_ends - result_starts return IRanges(result_starts, result_widths)
# folows the same logic as in # otherwise too much magic happening here -
[docs] def disjoin(self, with_reverse_map: bool = False) -> "IRanges": """Calculate disjoint intervals. Args: with_reverse_map: Whether to return a map of indices back to the original object. Defaults to False. Returns: A new `IRanges` containing disjoint intervals. """ all_ints = [] counter = 0 for _, val in self: all_ints.append((val.start[0], 1, counter)) all_ints.append((val.end[0], -1, counter)) counter += 1 sorted_ints = sorted(all_ints) counter = 0 _current_start = None result_starts = [] result_widths = [] result_revmaps = [] _curr_revmap = [] for x in sorted_ints: _curr_revmap.append(x[2]) if _current_start is not None and x[0] > _current_start and counter != 0: result_starts.append(_current_start) result_widths.append(x[0] - _current_start) result_revmaps.append(list(set(_curr_revmap))) _curr_revmap = [] _current_start = x[0] counter += x[1] result = IRanges(result_starts, result_widths) if with_reverse_map is True: result._mcols.set_column("revmap", result_revmaps, in_place=True) return result
############################# #### intra range methods #### #############################
[docs] def shift( self, shift: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray], in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """Shifts all the intervals by the amount specified by the ``shift`` argument. Args: shift: Amount to shift by. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the shifted intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ shift = self._sanitize_vec_argument(shift, allow_none=False) output = self._define_output(in_place) output._start = output._start + shift return output
[docs] def narrow( self, start: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, width: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, end: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, in_place: bool = False, ) -> "IRanges": """Narrow genomic positions by provided ``start``, ``width`` and ``end`` parameters. Important: These arguments are relative shift in positions for each range. Args: start: Relative start position. Defaults to None. width: Width of each interval position. Defaults to None. end: Relative end position. Defaults to None. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If `width` is provided, either `start` or `end` must be provided. Provide two of the three parameters - `start`, `end` and `width` but not all. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the narrow intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ start = self._sanitize_vec_argument(start, allow_none=True) end = self._sanitize_vec_argument(end, allow_none=True) width = self._sanitize_vec_argument(width, allow_none=True) if (all(x is not None for x in (start, end, width))) or ( all(x is None for x in (start, end, width)) ): raise ValueError( "Two out of three ('start', 'end' or 'width') arguments must be provided." ) if width is not None: if (isinstance(width, int) and width < 0) or ( isinstance(width, np.ndarray) and any(x < 0 for x in width) ): raise ValueError("'width' cannot be negative.") if start is None and end is None: raise ValueError( "If 'width' is provided, either 'start' or 'end' must be provided." ) output = self._define_output(in_place) counter = 0 new_starts = [] new_widths = [] for _, value in output: _start = value.start[0] _width = value.width[0] _oend = value.end[0] _pstart = ( start if start is None or isinstance(start, int) else start[counter] ) _pwidth = ( width if width is None or isinstance(width, int) else width[counter] ) _pend = end if end is None or isinstance(end, int) else end[counter] if _pend is not None and _pend > 0 and _pend > _width: raise ValueError( f"Provided 'end' is greater than width of the interval for: {counter}" ) if _pstart is not None: if _pstart > 0: _start += _pstart - 1 _width -= _pstart - 1 else: _start = _oend + _pstart if _pwidth is not None: _width = _pwidth elif _pend is not None: if _pend < 0: _width = _width + _pend + 1 else: _width = _pend - _pstart + 1 elif _pwidth is not None: _width = _pwidth if _pend is not None: if _pend > 0: _start = _start - (_pend - _pwidth) + 2 else: _start = _oend + _pend - 1 elif _pend is not None: if _pend > 0: _width = _pend else: _width = _width + _pend + 1 if _width < 0: raise ValueError( f"Provided 'start' or 'end' arguments lead to negative width for interval: {counter}." ) new_starts.append(_start) new_widths.append(_width) counter += 1 output._start = np.asarray(new_starts) output._width = np.asarray(new_widths) return output
[docs] def resize( self, width: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray], fix: Union[ Literal["start", "end", "center"], List[Literal["start", "end", "center"]] ] = "start", in_place: bool = False, ) -> "IRanges": """Resize ranges to the specified ``width`` where either the ``start``, ``end``, or ``center`` is used as an anchor. Args: width: Width to resize, must be non-negative! fix: Fix positions by "start", "end", or "center". Alternatively, `fix` may be a list with the same size as this `IRanges` object, denoting what to use as an anchor for each interval. Defaults to "start". in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If parameter ``fix`` is neither `start`, `end`, nor `center`. If ``width`` is negative. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the resized intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ _FIX_VALS = ["start", "end", "center"] _awidth = self._sanitize_vec_argument(width, allow_none=False) if width is None: raise ValueError("`width` cannot be None!") if isinstance(_awidth, int) and _awidth < 0: raise ValueError("`width` cannot be negative!") elif isinstance(_awidth, np.ndarray) and any(x < 0 for x in _awidth): raise ValueError("`width` cannot contain negative values!") if isinstance(fix, str) and fix not in _FIX_VALS: raise ValueError("`fix` must be either 'start', 'end' or 'center'.") elif ut.is_list_of_type(fix, str) and not all(x in _FIX_VALS for x in fix): raise ValueError("`fix` must be either 'start', 'end' or 'center'.") new_starts = [] counter = 0 for name, val in self: _start = val.start[0] _width = val.width[0] _fix = fix if isinstance(fix, str) else fix[counter] _twidth = _awidth if isinstance(_awidth, int) else _awidth[counter] if _fix != "start": if _fix == "end": _start += _width - _twidth elif _fix == "center": _start += int(_width) / 2 - int(_twidth) / 2 new_starts.append(int(_start)) counter += 1 output = self._define_output(in_place) output._start = np.asarray(new_starts) output._width = ( np.repeat(_awidth, len(self)) if isinstance(_awidth, int) else _awidth ) return output
[docs] def flank( self, width: int, start: bool = True, both: bool = False, in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """Compute flanking ranges for each range. The logic is from the `IRanges` package. If ``start`` is ``True`` for a given range, the flanking occurs at the `start`, otherwise the `end`. The `widths` of the flanks are given by the ``width`` parameter. ``width`` can be negative, in which case the flanking region is reversed so that it represents a prefix or suffix of the range. Usage: `ir.flank(3, True)`, where "x" indicates a range in ``ir`` and "-" indicates the resulting flanking region: ---xxxxxxx If ``start`` were ``False``, the range in ``ir`` becomes xxxxxxx--- For negative width, i.e. `ir.flank(x, -3, FALSE)`, where "*" indicates the overlap between "x" and the result: xxxx*** If ``both`` is ``True``, then, for all ranges in "x", the flanking regions are extended into (or out of, if ``width`` is negative) the range, so that the result straddles the given endpoint and has twice the width given by width. This is illustrated below for `ir.flank(3, both=TRUE)`: ---***xxxx Args: width: Width to flank by. May be negative. start: Whether to only flank starts. Defaults to True. both: Whether to flank both starts and ends. Defaults to False. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the flanked intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ if width is None: raise ValueError("`width` cannot be None!") output = self._define_output(in_place) if both is True: width = abs(width) if start is True: output._start = output.start - width else: output._start = output.end - width output._width = np.zeros(len(output)) + (2 * width) else: if start is True: if width >= 0: output._start = output.start - width else: if width >= 0: output._start = output.end else: output._start = output.end + width output._width = np.zeros(len(output)) + abs(width) return output
[docs] def promoters( self, upstream: int = 2000, downstream: int = 200, in_place: bool = False ) -> "IRanges": """Extend intervals to promoter regions. Generates promoter ranges relative to the transcription start site (TSS), where TSS is start(x). The promoter range is expanded around the TSS according to the upstream and downstream arguments. Upstream represents the number of nucleotides in the 5' direction and downstream the number in the 3' direction. The full range is defined as, (`start(x) - upstream`) to (`start(x) + downstream - 1`). Args: upstream: Number of positions to extend in the 5' direction. Defaults to 2000. downstream: Number of positions to extend in the 3' direction. Defaults to 200. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the promoter intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ output = self._define_output(in_place) if upstream < 0 or downstream < 0: raise ValueError("'upstream' and 'downstream; must be integers >=0.") new_starts = output.start - upstream new_ends = output.start + downstream output._start = new_starts output._width = new_ends - new_starts return output
[docs] def reflect(self, bounds: "IRanges", in_place: bool = False) -> "IRanges": """Reverses each range in x relative to the corresponding range in bounds. Reflection preserves the width of a range, but shifts it such the distance from the left bound to the start of the range becomes the distance from the end of the range to the right bound. This is illustrated below, where x represents a range in x and [ and ] indicate the bounds: [] becomes [] Args: bounds: IRanges with the same length as the current object specifying the bounds. in_place: Whether to modify the object in place. Defaults to False. Returns: If ``in_place = False``, a new ``IRanges`` is returned with the reflected intervals. Otherwise, the current object is directly modified and a reference to it is returned. """ if not isinstance(bounds, IRanges): raise TypeError("'bounds' must be an IRanges object.") if len(bounds) != len(self): raise ValueError("'bounds' does not contain the same number of intervals.") output = self._define_output(in_place) output._start = ((2 * bounds.start) + bounds.width) - output.end return output
[docs] def restrict( self, start: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, end: Optional[Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray]] = None, keep_all_ranges: bool = False, ) -> "IRanges": """Restrict ranges to a given start and end positions. Args: start: Start position. Defaults to None. end: End position. Defaults to None. keep_all_ranges: Whether to keep intervals that do not overlap with start and end. Defaults to False. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` with the restricted intervals. """ if start is None and end is None: warn("Both 'start' and 'end' are 'None'.") return self._define_output(False) if start is not None: _start = self._sanitize_vec_argument(start) new_starts = np.clip(self.start, _start, None) else: new_starts = self.start if end is not None: _end = self._sanitize_vec_argument(end) new_ends = np.clip(self.end, None, _end + 1) else: new_ends = self.end new_starts = new_starts new_widths = new_ends - new_starts if keep_all_ranges is False: _flt_idx = np.where(new_widths > -1) new_starts = new_starts[_flt_idx] new_widths = new_widths[_flt_idx] return IRanges(new_starts, new_widths, validate=False)
[docs] def overlap_indices( self, start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Find overlaps with the start and end positions. Args: start: Start position. Defaults to None. end: End position. Defaults to None. Returns: Numpy vector containing indices that overlap with the given range. """ counter = 0 overlaps = [] for _, val in self: keep_s = True keep_e = True _start = val.start[0] _end = val.end[0] - 1 if start is not None and (_start < start): keep_s = False if end is not None and (_end > end): keep_e = False if keep_s is True or keep_e is True: overlaps.append(counter) counter += 1 return np.asarray(overlaps)
######################## #### set operations #### ######################## # set operations
[docs] def union(self, other: "IRanges") -> "IRanges": """Find union of intervals with `other`. Args: other: An `IRanges` object. Raises: TypeError: If ``other`` is not `IRanges`. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object with all ranges. """ if not isinstance(other, IRanges): raise TypeError("'other' is not an `IRanges` object.") all_starts = combine_sequences(self.start, other.start) all_widths = combine_sequences(self.width, other.width) output = IRanges(all_starts, all_widths) output = output.reduce(min_gap_width=0, drop_empty_ranges=True) return output
[docs] def setdiff(self, other: "IRanges") -> "IRanges": """Find set difference with `other`. Args: other: An `IRanges` object. Raises: TypeError: If ``other`` is not `IRanges`. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object. """ if not isinstance(other, IRanges): raise TypeError("'other' is not an `IRanges` object.") start = min(self.start.min(), other.start.min()) end = max(self.end.max(), other.end.max()) x_gaps = self.gaps(start=start, end=end) x_gaps_u = x_gaps.union(other) diff = x_gaps_u.gaps(start=start, end=end) return diff
[docs] def intersect(self, other: "IRanges") -> "IRanges": """Find intersecting intervals with `other`. Args: other: An `IRanges` object. Raises: TypeError: If ``other`` is not `IRanges`. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object with all intersecting intervals. """ if not isinstance(other, IRanges): raise TypeError("'other' is not an `IRanges` object.") start = min(self.start.min(), other.start.min()) end = max(self.end.max(), other.end.max()) _gaps = other.gaps(start=start, end=end) _inter = self.setdiff(_gaps) return _inter
# Inspired by pyranges intersection using NCLS #
[docs] def intersect_ncls(self, other: "IRanges", delete_index: bool = True) -> "IRanges": """Find intersecting intervals with `other`. Uses the NCLS index. Args: other: An `IRanges` object. Raises: TypeError: If ``other`` is not `IRanges`. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object with all intersecting intervals. """ other._build_ncls_index() self_indexes, other_indexes = other._ncls.all_overlaps_both( self.start, self.end, np.arange(len(self)) ) if delete_index: other._delete_ncls_index() self_new_starts = self.start[self_indexes] other_new_starts = other.start[other_indexes] new_starts = np.where( self_new_starts > other_new_starts, self_new_starts, other_new_starts ) self_new_ends = self.end[self_indexes] other_new_ends = other.end[other_indexes] new_ends = np.where( self_new_ends < other_new_ends, self_new_ends, other_new_ends ) return IRanges(new_starts, new_ends - new_starts).reduce()
############################ #### Overlap operations #### ############################ def _build_ncls_index(self): if not ut.package_utils.is_package_installed("ncls"): raise ImportError("package: 'ncls' is not installed.") from ncls import NCLS if not hasattr(self, "_ncls"): self._ncls = NCLS(self.start, self.end, np.arange(len(self))) def _delete_ncls_index(self): if hasattr(self, "_ncls"): del self._ncls def _generic_find_hits( self, query, gap_start, gap_end, max_gap, min_overlap, select, delete_index=False, ): self._build_ncls_index() new_starts = query._start - gap_start - 1 new_ends = query.end + gap_end + 1 _res = self._ncls.all_overlaps_both(new_starts, new_ends, np.arange(len(query))) all_overlaps = [[] for _ in range(len(query))] for i in range(len(_res[0])): _q_idx = int(_res[0][i]) _s_idx = int(_res[1][i]) if select != "all" and len(all_overlaps[_q_idx]) > 0: continue _gap, _overlap = calc_gap_and_overlap( (query._start[_q_idx], query._start[_q_idx] + query._width[_q_idx]), (self._start[_s_idx], self._start[_s_idx] + self._width[_s_idx]), ) _append = True if _gap is not None and _gap > max_gap: _append = False if _overlap is not None and _overlap < min_overlap: _append = False if _append is True: if select == "first" or select == "arbitrary": all_overlaps[_q_idx].append(_s_idx) elif select == "last": all_overlaps[_q_idx].append(_s_idx) elif select == "all": all_overlaps[_q_idx].append(_s_idx) if delete_index is True: self._delete_ncls_index() return all_overlaps
[docs] def find_overlaps( self, query: "IRanges", query_type: Literal["any", "start", "end", "within"] = "any", select: Literal["all", "first", "last", "arbitrary"] = "all", max_gap: int = -1, min_overlap: int = 1, delete_index: bool = True, ) -> List[List[int]]: """Find overlaps with ``query`` `IRanges` object. Args: query: Query `IRanges`. query_type: Overlap query type, must be one of - "any": Any overlap is good - "start": Overlap at the beginning of the intervals - "end": Must overlap at the end of the intervals - "within": Fully contain the query interval Defaults to "any". select: Determine what hit to choose when there are multiple hits for an interval in ``subject``. max_gap: Maximum gap allowed in the overlap. Defaults to -1 (no gap allowed). min_overlap: Minimum overlap with query. Defaults to 1. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not an ``IRanges`` object. Returns: A List with the same length as the number of intervals ``query``. Each element is a list of indices that overlap or, None if there are no overlaps. """ if not isinstance(query, IRanges): raise TypeError("'query' is not a `IRanges` object.") if query_type not in ["any", "start", "end", "within"]: raise ValueError( f"'query_type' must be one of {', '.join(['any', 'start', 'end', 'within'])}." ) if select not in ["all", "first", "last", "arbitrary"]: raise ValueError( f"'select' must be one of {', '.join(['all', 'first', 'last', 'arbitrary'])}." ) _tgap = 0 if max_gap == -1 else max_gap all_overlaps = self._generic_find_hits( query, _tgap, _tgap, max_gap, min_overlap, select, delete_index=delete_index ) return all_overlaps
[docs] def count_overlaps( self, query: "IRanges", query_type: Literal["any", "start", "end", "within"] = "any", max_gap: int = -1, min_overlap: int = 1, delete_index: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Count number of overlaps with ``query`` `IRanges` object. Args: query: Query `IRanges`. query_type: Overlap query type, must be one of - "any": Any overlap is good - "start": Overlap at the beginning of the intervals - "end": Must overlap at the end of the intervals - "within": Fully contain the query interval Defaults to "any". max_gap: Maximum gap allowed in the overlap. Defaults to -1 (no gap allowed). min_overlap: Minimum overlap with query. Defaults to 1. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not an ``IRanges`` object. Returns: Numpy vector with the number of overlaps for each range in `query`. """ _overlaps = self.find_overlaps( query, query_type=query_type, max_gap=max_gap, min_overlap=min_overlap, delete_index=delete_index, ) return np.asarray([len(x) for x in _overlaps])
[docs] def subset_by_overlaps( self, query: "IRanges", query_type: Literal["any", "start", "end", "within"] = "any", max_gap: int = -1, min_overlap: int = 1, delete_index: bool = True, ) -> "IRanges": """Subset by overlapping intervals in ``query``. Args: query: Query ``IRanges`` object. query_type: Overlap query type, must be one of - "any": Any overlap is good - "start": Overlap at the beginning of the intervals - "end": Must overlap at the end of the intervals - "within": Fully contain the query interval Defaults to "any". max_gap: Maximum gap allowed in the overlap. Defaults to -1 (no gap allowed). min_overlap: Minimum overlap with query. Defaults to 1. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not of type ``IRanges``. Returns: A new ``IRanges`` object containing ranges that overlap with query. """ _overlaps = self.find_overlaps( query=query, query_type=query_type, max_gap=max_gap, min_overlap=min_overlap, delete_index=delete_index, ) _all_indices = list(set(chain(*_overlaps))) return self[_all_indices]
########################### #### search operations #### ########################### def _generic_search( self, query, step_start, step_end, max_gap, min_overlap, select, delete_index=False, ): min_start = self.start.min() max_end = self.end.max() hits = [] for _, val in query: _iterate = True counter = 0 _hits = [] _tmin_overlap = min_overlap if _tmin_overlap == -1: _tmin_overlap = val.width[0] + 1 while _iterate is True: all_overlaps = self._generic_find_hits( val, counter * step_start, counter * step_end, max_gap, _tmin_overlap, select, delete_index=delete_index, ) if len(all_overlaps[0]) > 0: _iterate = False _hits = all_overlaps[0] counter = 0 break counter += 1 if ( ( val.end[0] + (counter * step_end) + 1 > max_end + 1 and val.start[0] - (counter * step_start) - 1 < min_start - 1 ) or ( step_end == 0 and val.start[0] - (counter * step_start) - 1 < min_start - 1 ) or ( step_start == 0 and val.end[0] + (counter * step_end) + 1 > max_end + 1 ) ): _iterate = False _hits = [] break hits.append(_hits) return hits
[docs] def nearest( self, query: "IRanges", select: Literal["all", "arbitrary"] = "all", delete_index: bool = True, ) -> List[List[int]]: """Search nearest positions both upstream and downstream that overlap with each range in ``query``. Args: query: Query `IRanges` to find nearest positions. select: Determine what hit to choose when there are multiple hits for an interval in ``query``. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not of type ``IRanges``. Returns: A List with the same lenth as the number of intervals in query. Each element may contain indices nearest to the interval or None if there are no nearest intervals. """ if not isinstance(query, IRanges): raise TypeError("`query` is not a `IRanges` object.") if select not in ["all", "arbitrary"]: raise ValueError( f"'select' must be one of {', '.join(['all', 'arbitrary'])}." ) hits = self._generic_search(query, 1, 1, 10000000, 1, select, delete_index) self._delete_ncls_index() return hits
[docs] def precede( self, query: "IRanges", select: Literal["all", "first"] = "all", delete_index: bool = True, ) -> List[List[int]]: """Search nearest positions only downstream that overlap with each range in ``query``. Args: query: Query `IRanges` to find nearest positions. select: Determine what hit to choose when there are multiple hits for an interval in ``query``. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not of type ``IRanges``. Returns: A List with the same lenth as the number of intervals in query. Each element may contain indices nearest to the interval or None if there are no nearest intervals. """ if not isinstance(query, IRanges): raise TypeError("`query` is not a `IRanges` object.") if select not in ["all", "first"]: raise ValueError(f"'select' must be one of {', '.join(['all', 'first'])}.") hits = self._generic_search(query, 0, 1, 10000000, -1, select, delete_index) self._delete_ncls_index() return hits
[docs] def follow( self, query: "IRanges", select: Literal["all", "last"] = "all", delete_index: bool = True, ) -> List[List[int]]: """Search nearest positions only downstream that overlap with each range in ``query``. Args: query: Query `IRanges` to find nearest positions. select: Determine what hit to choose when there are multiple hits for an interval in ``query``. delete_index: Delete the cached ncls index. Internal use only. Raises: TypeError: If ``query`` is not of type ``IRanges``. Returns: A List with the same lenth as the number of intervals in query. Each element may contain indices nearest to the interval or None if there are no nearest intervals. """ if not isinstance(query, IRanges): raise TypeError("`query` is not a `IRanges` object.") if select not in ["all", "last"]: raise ValueError(f"'select' must be one of {', '.join(['all', 'last'])}.") hits = self._generic_search(query, 1, 0, 10000000, -1, select, delete_index) self._delete_ncls_index() return hits
[docs] def distance(self, query: "IRanges") -> np.ndarray: """Calculate the pair-wise distance with intervals in query. Args: query: Query `IRanges`. Returns: Numpy vector containing distances for each interval in query. """ if not isinstance(query, IRanges): raise TypeError("`query` is not a `IRanges` object.") if len(self) != len(query): raise ValueError("'query' does not contain the same number of intervals.") all_distances = [] for i in range(len(self)): i_self = self[i] i_query = query[i] _gap, _overlap = calc_gap_and_overlap( (i_self.start[0], i_self.end[0]), (i_query.start[0], i_query.end[0]) ) distance = _gap if _gap is None: distance = 0 all_distances.append(distance) return np.asarray(all_distances)
######################## #### pandas interop #### ########################
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> "pandas.DataFrame": """Convert this ``IRanges`` object into a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. Returns: A :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object. """ import pandas as pd _starts = self._start _widths = self._width _ends = self.get_end() output = pd.DataFrame({"starts": _starts, "widths": _widths, "ends": _ends}) if self._mcols is not None and self._mcols.shape[1] > 0: output = pd.concat([output, self._mcols.to_pandas()], axis=1) if self._names is not None: output.index = self._names return output
[docs] @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, input: "pandas.DataFrame") -> "IRanges": """Create a ``IRanges`` from a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object. Args: input: Input data must contain columns 'start' and 'width'. Returns: A ``IRanges`` object. """ from pandas import DataFrame if not isinstance(input, DataFrame): raise TypeError("`input` is not a pandas `DataFrame` object.") if "start" not in input.columns: raise ValueError("'input' must contain column 'start'.") start = input["start"].tolist() if "width" not in input.columns: raise ValueError("'input' must contain column 'width'.") width = input["width"].tolist() # mcols mcols_df = input.drop(columns=["start", "width"]) mcols = None if (not mcols_df.empty) or len(mcols_df.columns) > 0: mcols = BiocFrame.from_pandas(mcols_df) names = None if input.index is not None: names = [str(i) for i in input.index.to_list()] return cls(start=start, width=width, names=names, mcols=mcols)
######################## #### polars interop #### ########################
[docs] def to_polars(self) -> "polars.DataFrame": """Convert this ``IRanges`` object into a :py:class:`~polars.DataFrame`. Returns: A :py:class:`~polars.DataFrame` object. """ import polars as pl _starts = self._start _widths = self._width _ends = self.get_end() output = pl.DataFrame({"starts": _starts, "widths": _widths, "ends": _ends}) if self._mcols is not None and self._mcols.shape[1] > 0: output = pl.concat([output, self._mcols.to_polars()], how="horizontal") if self._names is not None: output = output.with_columns(names=self._names) return output
[docs] @classmethod def from_polars(cls, input: "polars.DataFrame") -> "IRanges": """Create a ``IRanges`` from a :py:class:`~polars.DataFrame` object. Args: input: Input data must contain columns 'start' and 'width'. Returns: A ``IRanges`` object. """ from polars import DataFrame if not isinstance(input, DataFrame): raise TypeError("`input` is not a polars `DataFrame` object.") if "start" not in input.columns: raise ValueError("'input' must contain column 'start'.") start = input["start"].to_list() if "width" not in input.columns: raise ValueError("'input' must contain column 'width'.") width = input["width"].to_list() # mcols mcols_df = input.drop(["start", "width"]) mcols = None if (not mcols_df.is_empty()) or len(mcols_df.columns) > 0: mcols = BiocFrame.from_polars(mcols_df) names = None return cls(start=start, width=width, names=names, mcols=mcols)
############## #### misc #### ##############
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls): """Create an zero-length ``IRanges`` object. Returns: same type as caller, in this case a ``IRanges``. """ return cls([], [])
@combine_sequences.register def _combine_IRanges(*x: IRanges) -> IRanges: has_names = False for y in x: if y._names is not None: has_names = True break all_names = None if has_names: all_names = [] for y in x: if y._names is not None: all_names += y._names else: all_names += [""] * len(y) return IRanges( start=combine_sequences(*[y._start for y in x]), width=combine_sequences(*[y._width for y in x]), names=all_names, mcols=combine_rows(*[y._mcols for y in x]), metadata=x[0]._metadata, validate=False, )