Source code for summarizedexperiment.SummarizedExperiment

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from warnings import warn

import biocframe
import biocutils as ut
from genomicranges import GenomicRanges

from ._combineutils import (
from .BaseSE import BaseSE

__author__ = "jkanche"
__copyright__ = "jkanche"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] class SummarizedExperiment(BaseSE): """Container to represents genomic experiment data (`assays`), features (`row_data`), sample data (`column_data`) and any other `metadata`. SummarizedExperiment follows the R/Bioconductor specification; rows are features, columns are samples. """
[docs] def __init__( self, assays: Dict[str, Any] = None, row_data: Optional[biocframe.BiocFrame] = None, column_data: Optional[biocframe.BiocFrame] = None, row_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, column_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, validate: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize a Summarized Experiment (SE). Args: assays: A dictionary containing matrices, with assay names as keys and 2-dimensional matrices represented as either :py:class:`~numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.spmatrix`. Alternatively, you may use any 2-dimensional matrix that has the ``shape`` property and implements the slice operation using the ``__getitem__`` dunder method. All matrices in assays must be 2-dimensional and have the same shape (number of rows, number of columns). row_data: Features, must be the same length as the number of rows of the matrices in assays. Feature information is coerced to a :py:class:`~biocframe.BiocFrame.BiocFrame`. Defaults to None. column_data: Sample data, must be the same length as the number of columns of the matrices in assays. Sample information is coerced to a :py:class:`~biocframe.BiocFrame.BiocFrame`. Defaults to None. row_names: A list of strings, same as the number of rows. If ``row_names`` are not provided, these are inferred from ``row_data``. Defaults to None. column_names: A list of string, same as the number of columns. if ``column_names`` are not provided, these are inferred from ``column_data``. Defaults to None. metadata: Additional experimental metadata describing the methods. Defaults to None. validate: Internal use only. """ if isinstance(row_data, GenomicRanges): warn("`row_data` is `GenomicRanges`, consider using `RangeSummarizedExperiment`.") super().__init__( assays, row_data=row_data, column_data=column_data, row_names=row_names, column_names=column_names, metadata=metadata, validate=validate, )
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[docs] def relaxed_combine_rows(self, *other) -> "SummarizedExperiment": """Wrapper around :py:func:`~relaxed_combine_rows`.""" return relaxed_combine_rows(self, *other)
[docs] def relaxed_combine_columns(self, *other) -> "SummarizedExperiment": """Wrapper around :py:func:`~relaxed_combine_columns`.""" return relaxed_combine_columns(self, *other)
[docs] def combine_rows(self, *other) -> "SummarizedExperiment": """Wrapper around :py:func:`~combine_rows`.""" return combine_rows(self, *other)
[docs] def combine_columns(self, *other) -> "SummarizedExperiment": """Wrapper around :py:func:`~combine_columns`.""" return combine_columns(self, *other)
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[docs] @ut.combine_rows.register(SummarizedExperiment) def combine_rows(*x: SummarizedExperiment) -> SummarizedExperiment: """Combine multiple ``SummarizedExperiment`` objects by row. All assays must contain the same assay names. If you need a flexible combine operation, checkout :py:func:`~relaxed_combine_rows`. Returns: A combined ``SummarizedExperiment``. """ first = x[0] _all_assays = [y.assays for y in x] check_assays_are_equal(_all_assays) _new_assays = merge_assays(_all_assays, by="row") _all_rows = [y._rows for y in x] _new_rows = ut.combine_rows(*_all_rows) _new_row_names = merge_se_rownames(x) current_class_const = type(first) return current_class_const( assays=_new_assays, row_data=_new_rows, column_data=first._cols, row_names=_new_row_names, column_names=first._column_names, metadata=first._metadata, )
[docs] @ut.combine_columns.register(SummarizedExperiment) def combine_columns(*x: SummarizedExperiment) -> SummarizedExperiment: """Combine multiple ``SummarizedExperiment`` objects by column. All assays must contain the same assay names. If you need a flexible combine operation, checkout :py:func:`~relaxed_combine_columns`. Returns: A combined ``SummarizedExperiment``. """ first = x[0] _all_assays = [y.assays for y in x] check_assays_are_equal(_all_assays) _new_assays = merge_assays(_all_assays, by="column") _all_cols = [y._cols for y in x] _new_cols = ut.combine_rows(*_all_cols) _new_col_names = merge_se_colnames(x) current_class_const = type(first) return current_class_const( assays=_new_assays, row_data=first._rows, column_data=_new_cols, row_names=first._row_names, column_names=_new_col_names, metadata=first._metadata, )
[docs] @ut.relaxed_combine_rows.register(SummarizedExperiment) def relaxed_combine_rows(*x: SummarizedExperiment) -> SummarizedExperiment: """A relaxed version of the :py:func:`~biocutils.combine_rows.combine_rows` method for :py:class:`~SummarizedExperiment` objects. Whereas ``combine_rows`` expects that all objects have the same columns, ``relaxed_combine_rows`` allows for different columns. Absent columns in any object are filled in with appropriate placeholder values before combining. Args: x: One or more ``SummarizedExperiment`` objects, possibly with differences in the number and identity of their columns. Returns: A ``SummarizedExperiment`` that combines all ``experiments`` along their rows and contains the union of all columns. Columns absent in any ``x`` are filled in with placeholders consisting of Nones or masked NumPy values. """ first = x[0] _new_assays = relaxed_merge_assays(x, by="row") _all_rows = [y._rows for y in x] _new_rows = biocframe.relaxed_combine_rows(*_all_rows) _new_row_names = merge_se_rownames(x) current_class_const = type(first) return current_class_const( assays=_new_assays, row_data=_new_rows, column_data=first._cols, row_names=_new_row_names, column_names=first._column_names, metadata=first._metadata, )
[docs] @ut.relaxed_combine_columns.register(SummarizedExperiment) def relaxed_combine_columns(*x: SummarizedExperiment) -> SummarizedExperiment: """A relaxed version of the :py:func:`~biocutils.combine_rows.combine_columns` method for :py:class:`~SummarizedExperiment` objects. Whereas ``combine_columns`` expects that all objects have the same rows, ``relaxed_combine_columns`` allows for different rows. Absent columns in any object are filled in with appropriate placeholder values before combining. Args: x: One or more ``SummarizedExperiment`` objects, possibly with differences in the number and identity of their rows. Returns: A ``SummarizedExperiment`` that combines all ``experiments`` along their columns and contains the union of all rows. Rows absent in any ``x`` are filled in with placeholders consisting of Nones or masked NumPy values. """ first = x[0] _new_assays = relaxed_merge_assays(x, by="column") _all_cols = [y._cols for y in x] _new_cols = biocframe.relaxed_combine_rows(*_all_cols) _new_col_names = merge_se_colnames(x) current_class_const = type(first) return current_class_const( assays=_new_assays, row_data=first._rows, column_data=_new_cols, row_names=first._row_names, column_names=_new_col_names, metadata=first._metadata, )
@ut.extract_row_names.register(SummarizedExperiment) def _rownames_se(x: SummarizedExperiment): return x.get_row_names() @ut.extract_column_names.register(SummarizedExperiment) def _colnames_se(x: SummarizedExperiment): return x.get_column_names()