
Version 0.2.1

  • Implement dunder methods __len__, __repr__ and __str__ for the CellArrDatasetSlice class

  • Add property shape to the same class

  • Improve package load time

Version 0.2.0

  • Thanks to @tony-kuo, the package now includes a built-in dataloader for the pytorch-lightning framework, for single cells expression profiles, training labels, and study labels. The dataloader uniformly samples across training labels and study labels to create a diverse batch of cells.

  • Minor fixes for CSV to TileDB conversion for the cell_metadata object.

Version 0.1.0 - 0.1.3

This is the first release of the package to support both creation and access to large collection of files based on TileDB.

  • Provide a build method to create the tiledb collection from a series of data objects.

  • Provides CellArrDataset class to query these objects on disk.

  • Implements access and coerce methods to interop with other experimental data packages.