Interoperability between R and Python using BiocPy


Welcome to our workshop on exploring the data structures and methods available in BiocPy, a project that aims to facilitate Bioconductor workflows in Python.

In this workshop, we will focus on interoperability between R and Python, covering two main topics:

Attendees will learn how to represent and manipulate their datasets in Python in the same manner as in R/Bioconductor. All packages in BiocPy are published to PyPI, and the code is open-source on GitHub.

Core contributors

We are looking for more contributions from the community to improve our packages! If you are interested, please check out the issues or discussion in our GitHub organization.

Other resources

  • A more detailed tutorial on BiocPy representations is available here.
  • Check out all the package in the BiocPy ecosystem on GitHub.

Developer notes

This is a reproducible Quarto book with reusable snippets. Check out the session information for versions of installed packages.

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