Source code for genomicranges.GenomicRangesList

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn

import biocutils as ut
import numpy as np
from biocframe import BiocFrame

from .GenomicRanges import GenomicRanges

__author__ = "jkanche"
__copyright__ = "jkanche"
__license__ = "MIT"

def _validate_ranges(ranges, num_ranges):
    if ranges is None:
        raise ValueError("'ranges' cannot be None.")

    if not (isinstance(ranges, GenomicRanges) or ut.is_list_of_type(ranges, GenomicRanges)):
        raise TypeError("`ranges` must be either a `GenomicRanges` or a list of `GenomicRanges`.")

    if isinstance(ranges, list) and sum([len(x) for x in ranges]) != num_ranges:
        raise ValueError(
            "Length of 'ranges' does not match the number of genomic elements.",
            f"Need to be {num_ranges}, provided {len(ranges)}.",
    elif isinstance(ranges, GenomicRanges) and len(ranges) != num_ranges:
        raise ValueError(
            "Length of 'ranges' does not match the number of genomic elements.",
            f"Need to be {num_ranges}, provided {len(ranges)}.",

def _validate_optional_attrs(mcols, names, num_ranges):
    if not isinstance(mcols, BiocFrame):
        raise TypeError("'mcols' is not a `BiocFrame` object.")

    if mcols.shape[0] != num_ranges:
        raise ValueError("Length of 'mcols' does not match the number of genomic elements.")

    if names is not None:
        if len(names) != num_ranges:
            raise ValueError("Length of 'names' does not match the number of genomic elements.")

        if any(x is None for x in names):
            raise ValueError("'names' cannot contain None values.")

def _sanitize_range_lengths(x):
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        return np.array(x, dtype=np.int32)

    return x

[docs] class GenomicRangesListIter: """An iterator to a :py:class:`~GenomicRangesList` object."""
[docs] def __init__(self, obj: "GenomicRangesList") -> None: """Initialize the iterator. Args: obj: source object to iterate. """ self._grl = obj self._current_index = 0
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def __next__(self): if self._current_index < len(self._grl): iter_row_index = self._grl.names[self._current_index] if self._grl.names is not None else None iter_slice = self._grl[self._current_index] self._current_index += 1 return (iter_row_index, iter_slice) raise StopIteration
[docs] class GenomicRangesList: """Just as it sounds, a `GenomicRangesList` is a named-list like object. If you are wondering why you need this class, a `GenomicRanges` object lets us specify multiple genomic elements, usually where the genes start and end. Genes are themselves made of many sub regions, e.g. exons. `GenomicRangesList` allows us to represent this nested structure. Currently, this class is limited in functionality, purely a read-only class with basic accessors. Typical usage: To construct a **GenomicRangesList** object, simply pass in a list of :py:class:`genomicranges.GenomicRanges.GenomicRanges` objects and Optionally ``names``. .. code-block:: python a = GenomicRanges( seqnames=[ "chr1", "chr2", "chr1", "chr3", ], ranges=IRanges( [ 1, 3, 2, 4, ], [ 10, 30, 50, 60, ], ), strand=[ "-", "+", "*", "+", ], mcols=BiocFrame( { "score": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ] } ), ) b = GenomicRanges( seqnames=[ "chr2", "chr4", "chr5", ], ranges=IRanges( [3, 6, 4], [ 30, 50, 60, ], ), strand=[ "-", "+", "*", ], mcols=BiocFrame( { "score": [ 2, 3, 4, ] } ), ) grl = GenomicRangesList( ranges=[ gr1, gr2, ], names=[ "gene1", "gene2", ], ) Additionally, you may also provide metadata about the genomic elements in the dictionary using mcols attribute. """
[docs] def __init__( self, ranges: Union[GenomicRanges, List[GenomicRanges]], range_lengths: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, names: Optional[List[str]] = None, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame] = None, metadata: Optional[dict] = None, validate: bool = True, ): """Initialize a `GenomicRangesList` object. Args: ranges: List of genomic elements. All elements in this list must be :py:class:`genomicranges.GenomicRanges.GenomicRanges` objects. range_lengths: Number of ranges within each genomic element. Defaults to None, and is inferred from ``ranges``. names: Names of the genomic elements. The length of this must match the number of genomic elements in ``ranges``. Defaults to None. mcols: Metadata about each genomic element. Defaults to None. metadata: Additional metadata. Defaults to None. validate: Internal use only. """ self._ranges = ranges if range_lengths is None: if isinstance(ranges, list): range_lengths = [len(x) for x in ranges] else: range_lengths = [len(ranges)] self._range_lengths = _sanitize_range_lengths(range_lengths) if mcols is None: mcols = BiocFrame(number_of_rows=len(range_lengths)) self._mcols = mcols if names is not None and not isinstance(names, ut.Names): names = ut.Names(names) self._names = names self._metadata = {} if metadata is None else metadata if validate is True: _validate_ranges(self._ranges, sum(self._range_lengths)) _validate_optional_attrs(self._mcols, self._names, len(self._range_lengths))
def _define_output(self, in_place: bool = False) -> "GenomicRangesList": if in_place is True: return self else: return self.__copy__() ######################### ######>> Copying <<###### #########################
[docs] def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None, _nil=[]): """ Returns: A deep copy of the current ``GenomicRangesList``. """ from copy import deepcopy _ranges_copy = deepcopy(self._ranges) _rangelengths_copy = deepcopy(self._range_lengths) _names_copy = deepcopy(self._names) _mcols_copy = deepcopy(self._mcols) _metadata_copy = deepcopy(self.metadata) current_class_const = type(self) return current_class_const( ranges=_ranges_copy, range_lengths=_rangelengths_copy, names=_names_copy, mcols=_mcols_copy, metadata=_metadata_copy, )
[docs] def __copy__(self): """ Returns: A shallow copy of the current ``GenomicRangesList``. """ current_class_const = type(self) return current_class_const( ranges=self._ranges, range_lengths=self._range_lengths, names=self._names, mcols=self._mcols, metadata=self._metadata, )
[docs] def copy(self): """Alias for :py:meth:`~__copy__`.""" return self.__copy__()
###################################### ######>> length and iterators <<###### ######################################
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns: Number of rows. """ return len(self._range_lengths)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> GenomicRangesListIter: """Iterator over rows.""" return GenomicRangesListIter(self)
########################## ######>> Printing <<###### ##########################
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Returns: A string representation of this ``GenomicRangesList``. """ output = "GenomicRangesList(number_of_elements=" + str(len(self)) output += ", ranges=" + repr(self._ranges) if self._names is not None: output += ", names=" + ut.print_truncated_list(self._names) if self._mcols is not None: output += ", mcols=" + repr(self._mcols) if len(self._metadata) > 0: output += ", metadata=" + ut.print_truncated_dict(self._metadata) output += ")" return output
def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns: A pretty-printed string containing the contents of this ``GenomicRangesList``. """ output = f"GenomicRangesList with {len(self)} range{'s' if len(self) != 1 else ''}" output += f" and {len(self._mcols.get_column_names())} metadata column{'s' if len(self._mcols.get_column_names()) != 1 else ''}\n" if isinstance(self._ranges, GenomicRanges) and len(self._ranges) == 0: output += "--- empty genomic ranges list ---" return output output += " \n" nr = len(self) added_table = False if nr: if nr <= 10: indices = range(nr) insert_ellipsis = False else: indices = [0, 1, 2, nr - 3, nr - 2, nr - 1] insert_ellipsis = True raw_floating = ut.create_floating_names(self._names, indices) if insert_ellipsis: raw_floating = raw_floating[:3] + [""] + raw_floating[3:] floating = raw_floating for idx in range(len(indices)): output += f"Name: {floating[idx]} \n" output += self._ranges[indices[idx]].__str__() output += "\n \n" footer = [] if self._mcols is not None and self._mcols.shape[1]: footer.append( "mcols(" + str(self._mcols.shape[1]) + " columns): " + ut.print_truncated_list( self._mcols.column_names, sep=" ", include_brackets=False, transform=lambda y: y, ) ) if len(self._metadata): footer.append( "metadata(" + str(len(self.metadata)) + "): " + ut.print_truncated_list( list(self.metadata.keys()), sep=" ", include_brackets=False, transform=lambda y: y, ) ) if len(footer): if added_table: output += "\n------\n" output += "\n".join(footer) return output ########################## ######>> ranges <<######## ##########################
[docs] def get_ranges(self) -> Union[GenomicRanges, List[GenomicRanges]]: """ Returns: List of genomic ranges. """ return self._ranges
[docs] def set_ranges(self, ranges: Union[GenomicRanges, List[GenomicRanges]], in_place: bool = False) -> "GenomicRanges": """Set new genomic ranges. Args: ranges: List of genomic elements. All elements in this list must be :py:class:`genomicranges.GenomicRanges.GenomicRanges` objects. in_place: Whether to modify the ``GenomicRangesList`` object in place. Returns: A modified ``GenomicRangesList`` object, either as a copy of the original or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original. """ _validate_ranges(ranges, sum(self._range_lengths)) output = self._define_output(in_place) output._ranges = ranges return output
@property def ranges(self) -> GenomicRanges: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_ranges`.""" return self.get_ranges() @ranges.setter def ranges(self, ranges: GenomicRanges): """Alias for :py:meth:`~set_ranges` with ``in_place = True``. As this mutates the original object, a warning is raised. """ warn( "Setting property 'ranges' is an in-place operation, use 'set_ranges' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_ranges(ranges, in_place=True) ######################## ######>> names <<####### ########################
[docs] def get_names(self) -> ut.Names: """ Returns: A list of names for each genomic element. """ return self._names
[docs] def set_names( self, names: Optional[Sequence[str]], in_place: bool = False, ) -> "GenomicRanges": """Set new names. Args: names: Names for each genomic element. in_place: Whether to modify the ``GenomicRangesList`` object in place. Returns: A modified ``GenomicRangesList`` object, either as a copy of the original or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original. """ if names is not None: _validate_optional_attrs(self.get_mcols(), names, len(self)) if not isinstance(names, ut.Names): names = ut.Names(names) output = self._define_output(in_place) output._names = names return output
@property def names(self) -> ut.Names: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_names`.""" return self.get_names() @names.setter def names( self, names: Optional[Sequence[str]], ): """Alias for :py:meth:`~set_names` with ``in_place = True``. As this mutates the original object, a warning is raised. """ warn( "Setting property 'names' is an in-place operation, use 'set_names' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_names(names, in_place=True) ######################## ######>> mcols <<####### ########################
[docs] def get_mcols(self) -> BiocFrame: """ Returns: A ~py:class:`~biocframe.BiocFrame.BiocFrame` containing per-genomic element annotations. """ return self._mcols
[docs] def set_mcols( self, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame], in_place: bool = False, ) -> "GenomicRanges": """Set new range metadata. Args: mcols: A ~py:class:`~biocframe.BiocFrame.BiocFrame` with length same as the number of genomic elements, containing per-genomic element annotations. in_place: Whether to modify the ``GenomicRangesList`` object in place. Returns: A modified ``GenomicRangesList`` object, either as a copy of the original or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original. """ if mcols is None: mcols = BiocFrame({}, number_of_rows=len(self)) _validate_optional_attrs(mcols, None, len(self)) output = self._define_output(in_place) output._mcols = mcols return output
@property def mcols(self) -> BiocFrame: """Alias for :py:meth:`~get_mcols`.""" return self.get_mcols() @mcols.setter def mcols( self, mcols: Optional[BiocFrame], ): """Alias for :py:meth:`~set_mcols` with ``in_place = True``. As this mutates the original object, a warning is raised. """ warn( "Setting property 'mcols' is an in-place operation, use 'set_mcols' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_mcols(mcols, in_place=True) ########################### ######>> metadata <<####### ###########################
[docs] def get_metadata(self) -> dict: """ Returns: Dictionary of metadata for this object. """ return self._metadata
[docs] def set_metadata(self, metadata: dict, in_place: bool = False) -> "GenomicRanges": """Set additional metadata. Args: metadata: New metadata for this object. in_place: Whether to modify the ``GenomicRangesList`` object in place. Returns: A modified ``GenomicRangesList`` object, either as a copy of the original or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original. """ if not isinstance(metadata, dict): raise TypeError(f"`metadata` must be a dictionary, provided {type(metadata)}.") output = self._define_output(in_place) output._metadata = metadata return output
@property def metadata(self) -> dict: """Alias for :py:attr:`~get_metadata`.""" return self.get_metadata() @metadata.setter def metadata(self, metadata: dict): """Alias for :py:attr:`~set_metadata` with ``in_place = True``. As this mutates the original object, a warning is raised. """ warn( "Setting property 'metadata' is an in-place operation, use 'set_metadata' instead", UserWarning, ) self.set_metadata(metadata, in_place=True) ########################### ######>> groups <<######### ###########################
[docs] def groups(self, group: Union[str, int]) -> "GenomicRangesList": """Get a genomic element by their name or index position. Args: group: Name or index of the genomic element to access. Returns: The genomic element for group `i`. """ if isinstance(group, str): group = if group < 0 or group > len(self): raise ValueError("'group' must be less than the number of genomic elements.") return self[group]
[docs] def generic_accessor( self, prop: str, func: bool = False, cast: bool = False ) -> Union[Dict[str, list], "GenomicRangesList"]: _all_prop = {} _ranges = self.ranges _groups = self.names for i in range(len(_ranges)): _val = getattr(_ranges[i], prop) if func is True: _val = _val() _key = i if _groups is not None: _key = _groups[i] _all_prop[_key] = _val if cast is True: current_class_const = type(self) return current_class_const.from_dict(_all_prop) return _all_prop
[docs] def element_nrows(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get a vector of the length of each element. Returns: An integer vector where each value corresponds to the length of the contained GenomicRanges object. """ return self.generic_accessor("__len__", func=True)
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """Whether ``GRangesList`` has no elements or if all its elements are empty. Returns: True if the object has no elements. """ if len(self) == 0: return True element_lengths = self.element_nrows() if all([True if x == 0 else False for x in element_lengths]): return True return False
############################## ######>> accessors <<######### ############################## # TODO: convert some of these properties to a factorized array @property def seqnames(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get all sequence names. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list of sequence names. """ return self.generic_accessor("seqnames") @property def start(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get all start positions. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("start") @property def end(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get all end positions. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("end") @property def width(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get width of all regions across all elements. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("width") @property def strand(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get strand of all regions across all elements. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("strand") @property def seq_info(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get information about the underlying sequences. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("seq_info") @property def is_circular(self) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: """Get the circularity flag. Returns: A list with the same length as keys in the object, each element in the list contains another list values. """ return self.generic_accessor("is_circular")
[docs] def get_range_lengths(self) -> dict: """ Returns: Number of ranges for each genomic element. """ return self._range_lengths
@property def range_lengths(self) -> dict: """Alias for :py:attr:`~get_range_lengths`.""" return self.get_range_lengths() ################################### ######>> pandas interop <<######### ###################################
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> "pandas.DataFrame": """Coerce object to a :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. Returns: A :py:class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object. """ from pandas import concat all_index = [] all_dfs = [] _ranges = self.ranges _groups = self.names for i in range(len(_ranges)): v = _ranges[i] _key = i if _groups is not None: _key = _groups[i] _idx = [_key] * len(v) all_index.extend(_idx) all_dfs.append(v.to_pandas()) all_concat = concat(all_dfs) all_concat.index = all_index return all_concat
############################ ######>> slicers <<######### ############################
[docs] def __getitem__(self, args: Union[str, int, tuple, list, slice]) -> Union[GenomicRanges, "GenomicRangesList"]: """Subset individual genomic elements. Args: args: Name of the genomic element to access. Alternatively, if names of genomic elements are not available, you may provide an index position of the genomic element to access. Alternatively, ``args`` may also specify a list of positions to slice specified either as a :py:class:`~list` or :py:class:`~slice`. A tuple may also be specified along each dimension. Currently if the tuple contains more than one dimension, its ignored. Raises: TypeError: If ``args`` is not a supported slice argument. Returns: A new ``GenomicRangesList`` of the slice. """ if isinstance(args, int): return self._ranges[args] elif isinstance(args, str): if self.names is not None: _idx = return self._ranges[_idx] else: idx, _ = ut.normalize_subscript(args, len(self), self._names) new_ranges = ut.subset_sequence(self._ranges, idx) new_range_lengths = ut.subset_sequence(self._range_lengths, idx) new_names = None if self.names is not None: new_names = ut.subset_sequence(self.names, idx) new_mcols = None if self.mcols is not None: new_mcols = ut.subset(self.mcols, idx) current_class_const = type(self) return current_class_const(new_ranges, new_range_lengths, new_names, new_mcols, self._metadata)
####################################### ######>> class initializers <<######### #######################################
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls, n: int): """Create an empty ``n``-length `GenomicRangesList` object. Returns: same type as caller, in this case a `GenomicRangesList`. """ _range_lengths = [0] * n return cls(ranges=GenomicRanges.empty(), range_lengths=_range_lengths)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, x: dict): """Create a `GenomicRangesList` object from :py:class:`~dict`. Returns: same type as caller, in this case a `GenomicRangesList`. """ return cls(ranges=list(x.values()), names=list(x.keys()))
############################### ######>> to granges <<######### ###############################
[docs] def as_genomic_ranges(self) -> GenomicRanges: """Coerce object to a :py:class:`~genomicranges.GenomicRanges.GenomicRanges`. Returns: A :py:class:`~genomicranges.GenomicRanges.GenomicRanges` object. """ _combined_ranges = ut.combine_sequences(*self._ranges) _combined_names = None if self._names is not None: _combined_names = [] for i, rl in enumerate(self._range_lengths): _combined_names.extend([self._names[i]] * rl) return _combined_ranges.set_names(_combined_names) return _combined_ranges
[docs] def as_granges(self) -> GenomicRanges: """Alias to :py:meth:`~to_genomic_ranges`.""" return self.as_genomic_ranges()
#################################### ######>> GRanges methods <<######### ####################################
[docs] def range(self) -> "GenomicRangesList": """Calculate range bounds for each genomic element. Returns: A new ``GenomicRangesList`` object with the range bounds. """ return self.generic_accessor("range", func=True, cast=True)
@ut.combine_sequences.register(GenomicRangesList) def _combine_grl(*x: GenomicRangesList): has_names = False for y in x: if y._names is not None: has_names = True break all_names = None if has_names: all_names = [] for y in x: if y._names is not None: all_names += y._names else: all_names += [""] * len(y) return GenomicRangesList( ranges=ut.combine_sequences(*[y._ranges for y in x]), range_lengths=ut.combine_sequences(*[y._range_lengths for y in x]), names=all_names, mcols=ut.relaxed_combine_rows(*[y._mcols for y in x]), metadata=x[0]._metadata, validate=False, ) @ut.extract_row_names.register(GenomicRangesList) def _rownames_grl(x: GenomicRangesList): return x.get_names()