from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn
import biocutils as ut
from .utils import _sanitize_vec
__author__ = "jkanche"
__copyright__ = "jkanche"
__license__ = "MIT"
def _validate_seqnames(seqnames):
if not ut.is_list_of_type(seqnames, str):
raise ValueError("'seqnames' should be a list of strings.")
n = len(seqnames)
if n != len(set(seqnames)):
raise ValueError("'seqnames' should contain unique strings.")
def _validate_seqlengths(seqlengths, num_seqs):
if not ut.is_list_of_type(seqlengths, int, ignore_none=True):
raise ValueError("'seqlengths' should be a list of integers.")
if num_seqs != len(seqlengths):
raise ValueError("'seqnames' and 'seqlengths' should have the same length.")
for sl in seqlengths:
if sl is not None and sl < 0:
raise ValueError("all entries of 'seqlengths' should be non-negative.")
def _validate_is_circular(is_circular, num_seqs):
if not ut.is_list_of_type(is_circular, bool, ignore_none=True):
raise ValueError("'is_circular' should be a list of booleans.")
if num_seqs != len(is_circular):
raise ValueError("'seqnames' and 'is_circular' should have the same length.")
def _validate_genome(genome, num_seqs):
if not ut.is_list_of_type(genome, str, ignore_none=True):
raise ValueError("'genome' should be a list of strings.")
if num_seqs != len(genome):
raise ValueError("'seqnames' and 'genome' should have the same length.")
class SeqInfoIterator:
"""An iterator to a :py:class:`~SeqInfo` object."""
def __init__(self, obj: "SeqInfo") -> None:
"""Initialize the iterator.
Source object to iterate.
self._sinfo = obj
self._current_index = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self._current_index < len(self._sinfo):
iter_row_index = self._sinfo._seqnames[self._current_index]
iter_slice = self._sinfo[self._current_index]
self._current_index += 1
return (iter_row_index, iter_slice)
raise StopIteration
class SeqInfo:
"""Information about the reference sequences, specifically the name and length of each sequence, whether it is a
circular, and the identity of the genome from which it was derived."""
def __init__(
seqnames: Sequence[str],
seqlengths: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], Dict[str, int]]] = None,
is_circular: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[bool], Dict[str, bool]]] = None,
genome: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict[str, str]]] = None,
validate: bool = True,
) -> None:
Names of all reference sequences, should be unique.
Lengths of all sequences in base pairs. This should contain
non-negative values and have the same number of elements as
``seqnames``. Entries may also be None if no lengths are
available for that sequence.
Alternatively, a dictionary where keys are the sequence names
and values are the lengths. If a name is missing from this
dictionary, the length of the sequence is set to None.
Alternatively a single integer, if all sequences are of the
same length.
Alternatively None, if no length information is available
for any sequence.
Whether each sequence is circular. This should have the same
number of elements as ``seqnames``. Entries may also be None
if no information is available for that sequence.
Alternatively, a dictionary where keys are the sequence names
and values are the circular flags. If a name is missing from
this dictionary, the flag for the sequence is set to None.
Alternatively a single boolean, if all sequences have the same
circular flag.
Alternatively None, if no flags are available for any sequence.
The genome build containing each reference sequence. This
should have the same number of elements as ``seqnames``.
Entries may also be None if no information is available.
Alternatively, a dictionary where keys are the sequence names
and values are the genomes. If a name is missing from this
dictionary, the genome is set to None.
Alternatively a single string, if all sequences are derived
from the same genome.
Alternatively None, if no genome information is available
for any sequence.
Whether to validate the arguments, internal use only.
self._seqnames = list(seqnames)
self._reverse_seqnames = None
self._seqlengths = self._flatten_incoming(seqlengths, int)
self._is_circular = self._flatten_incoming(is_circular, bool)
self._genome = self._flatten_incoming(genome, str)
if validate:
num_seqs = len(self._seqnames)
_validate_seqlengths(self._seqlengths, num_seqs)
_validate_is_circular(self._is_circular, num_seqs)
_validate_genome(self._genome, num_seqs)
def _populate_reverse_seqnames_index(self):
if self._reverse_seqnames is None:
revmap = {}
for i, n in enumerate(self._seqnames):
if n not in revmap:
revmap[n] = i
self._reverse_seqnames = revmap
def _wipe_reverse_seqnames_index(self):
self._reverse_seqnames = None
def _flatten_incoming(self, values, expected) -> List:
if values is None or isinstance(values, expected):
return [values] * len(self)
if isinstance(values, dict):
output = []
for n in self._seqnames:
if n in values:
return output
values = _sanitize_vec(values)
if isinstance(values, list):
return values
return list(values)
def _define_output(self, in_place: bool = False) -> "SeqInfo":
if in_place is True:
return self
return self.__copy__()
######>> Copying <<######
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None, _nil=[]):
A deep copy of the current ``SeqInfo``.
from copy import deepcopy
_seqnames_copy = deepcopy(self._seqnames)
_seqlengths_copy = deepcopy(self._seqlengths)
_is_circular_copy = deepcopy(self._is_circular)
_genome_copy = deepcopy(self._genome)
current_class_const = type(self)
return current_class_const(
def __copy__(self):
A shallow copy of the current ``SeqInfo``.
current_class_const = type(self)
return current_class_const(
def copy(self):
"""Alias for :py:meth:`~__copy__`."""
return self.__copy__()
######>> Printing <<######
def __repr__(self) -> str:
A string representation of this ``SeqInfo``.
output = "SeqInfo(number_of_seqnames=" + str(len(self))
output += ", seqnames=" + ut.print_truncated_list(self._seqnames)
output += ", seqlengths=" + repr(self._seqlengths)
output += ", is_circular=" + ut.print_truncated_list(self._is_circular)
output += ", genome=" + ut.print_truncated_list(self._genome)
output += ")"
return output
def __str__(self) -> str:
A pretty-printed string containing the contents of this ``SeqInfo``.
output = f"SeqInfo with {len(self)} sequence{'s' if len(self) != 1 else ''}\n"
nr = len(self)
added_table = False
if nr:
if nr <= 10:
indices = range(nr)
insert_ellipsis = False
indices = [0, 1, 2, nr - 3, nr - 2, nr - 1]
insert_ellipsis = True
raw_floating = ut.create_floating_names(None, indices)
if insert_ellipsis:
raw_floating = raw_floating[:3] + [""] + raw_floating[3:]
floating = ["", ""] + raw_floating
columns = []
header = ["seqnames", "<str>"]
showed = [f"{self._seqnames[x]}" for x in indices]
if insert_ellipsis:
showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:]
columns.append(header + showed)
header = ["seqlengths", f"<{ut.print_type(self._seqlengths)}>"]
showed = [f"{self._seqlengths[x]}" for x in indices]
if insert_ellipsis:
showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:]
columns.append(header + showed)
header = ["is_circular", f"<{ut.print_type(self._is_circular)}>"]
showed = [f"{self._is_circular[x]}" for x in indices]
if insert_ellipsis:
showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:]
columns.append(header + showed)
header = ["genome", f"<{ut.print_type(self._genome)}>"]
showed = [f"{self._genome[x]}" for x in indices]
if insert_ellipsis:
showed = showed[:3] + ["..."] + showed[3:]
columns.append(header + showed)
output += ut.print_wrapped_table(columns, floating_names=floating)
added_table = True
footer = []
if len(footer):
if added_table:
output += "\n------\n"
output += "\n".join(footer)
return output
######>> seqnames <<######
def get_seqnames(self) -> List[str]:
List of all chromosome names.
return self._seqnames
def set_seqnames(
self, seqnames: Sequence[str], in_place: bool = False
) -> "SeqInfo":
List of sequence names, of length equal to the number of names
in this ``SeqInfo`` object. All names should be unique strings.
Whether to modify the ``SeqInfo`` object in place.
A modified ``SeqInfo`` object, either as a copy of the original
or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original.
output = self._define_output(in_place)
output._seqnames = list(seqnames)
return output
def seqnames(self) -> List[str]:
warn("'seqnames' is deprecated, use 'get_seqnames' instead", UserWarning)
return self.get_seqnames()
def seqnames(self, seqnames: Sequence[str]):
"Setting property 'seqnames' is an in-place operation, use 'set_seqnames' instead",
self.set_seqnames(seqnames, in_place=True)
######>> seqlengths <<######
def get_seqlengths(self) -> List[int]:
A list of integers is returned containing the lengths of all
sequences, in the same order as the sequence names from
return self._seqlengths
def set_seqlengths(
seqlengths: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], Dict[str, int]]],
in_place: bool = False,
) -> "SeqInfo":
List of sequence lengths, of length equal to the number of
names in this ``SeqInfo`` object. Values may be None or
non-negative integers.
Alternatively, a dictionary where keys are the sequence
names and values are the lengths. Not all names need to be
present in which case the length is assumed to be None.
Whether to modify the ``SeqInfo`` object in place.
A modified ``SeqInfo`` object, either as a copy of the original
or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original.
_seqlengths = self._flatten_incoming(seqlengths, int)
_validate_seqlengths(_seqlengths, len(self))
output = self._define_output(in_place)
output._seqlengths = _seqlengths
return output
def seqlengths(self) -> List[int]:
"'seqlengths' is deprecated, use 'get_seqlengths' instead",
return self.get_seqlengths()
def seqlengths(
self, seqlengths: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[int], Dict[str, int]]]
"Setting property 'seqlengths' is an in-place operation, use 'set_seqlengths' instead",
self.set_seqlengths(seqlengths, in_place=True)
######>> is-circular <<######
def get_is_circular(self) -> List[bool]:
A list of booleans is returned specifying whether each sequence
(from :py:meth:`~get_seqnames`) is circular.
return self._is_circular
def set_is_circular(
is_circular: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[bool], Dict[str, bool]]],
in_place: bool = False,
) -> "SeqInfo":
List of circular flags, of length equal to the number of
names in this ``SeqInfo`` object. Values may be None or
Alternatively, a dictionary where keys are the sequence
names and values are the flags. Not all names need to be
present in which case the flag is assumed to be None.
Whether to modify the ``SeqInfo`` object in place.
A modified ``SeqInfo`` object, either as a copy of the original
or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original.
_is_circular = self._flatten_incoming(is_circular, bool)
_validate_is_circular(_is_circular, len(self))
output = self._define_output(in_place)
output._is_circular = _is_circular
return output
def is_circular(self) -> List[bool]:
"'is_circular' is deprecated, use 'get_is_circular' instead",
return self.get_is_circular()
def is_circular(
self, is_circular: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[bool], Dict[str, bool]]]
"Setting property 'is_circular' is an in-place operation, use 'set_is_circular' instead",
self.set_is_circular(is_circular, in_place=True)
######>> genome <<######
def get_genome(self) -> List[str]:
A list of strings is returned containing the genome identity for
all sequences in :py:meth:`~get_seqnames`.
return self._genome
def set_genome(
genome: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str], Dict[str, str]]],
in_place: bool = False,
) -> "SeqInfo":
List of genomes, of length equal to the number of names in this
``SeqInfo`` object. Values may be None or strings.
Whether to modify the ``SeqInfo`` object in place.
A modified ``SeqInfo`` object, either as a copy of the original
or as a reference to the (in-place-modified) original.
_genome = self._flatten_incoming(genome, str)
_validate_genome(_genome, len(self))
output = self._define_output(in_place)
output._genome = _genome
return output
def genome(self) -> List[str]:
warn("'genome' is deprecated, use 'get_genome' instead", UserWarning)
return self.get_genome()
def genome(self, genome: Optional[Union[bool, Sequence[bool], Dict[str, bool]]]):
"Setting property 'genome' is an in-place operation, use 'set_genome' instead",
self.set_genome(genome, in_place=True)
######>> length and iterators <<######
def __len__(self) -> int:
Number of sequences in this object.
return len(self._seqnames)
def __iter__(self) -> SeqInfoIterator:
"""Iterator over sequences."""
return SeqInfoIterator(self)
######>> Slicers <<######
def get_subset(self, subset: Union[str, int, bool, Sequence]) -> "SeqInfo":
"""Subset ``SeqInfo``, based on their indices or seqnames.
Indices to be extracted. This may be an integer, boolean, string,
or any sequence thereof, as supported by
Scalars are treated as length-1 sequences.
Strings may only be used if :py:attr:``~seqnames`` are available (see
:py:meth:`~get_seqnames`). The first occurrence of each string
in the seqnames is used for extraction.
A new ``SeqInfo`` object with the sequences of interest.
if len(self) == 0:
return SeqInfo.empty()
idx, _ = ut.normalize_subscript(subset, len(self), self._seqnames)
current_class_const = type(self)
return current_class_const(
seqnames=ut.subset_sequence(self._seqnames, idx),
seqlengths=ut.subset_sequence(self._seqlengths, idx),
is_circular=ut.subset_sequence(self._is_circular, idx),
genome=ut.subset_sequence(self._genome, idx),
def __getitem__(self, subset: Union[str, int, bool, Sequence]) -> "SeqInfo":
"""Alias to :py:attr:`~get_subset`."""
return self.get_subset(subset)
def empty(cls):
"""Create an zero-length `SeqInfo` object.
same type as caller, in this case a `SeqInfo`.
return SeqInfo([], [], [], [])
def _combine_SeqInfo(*x: SeqInfo) -> SeqInfo:
return merge_SeqInfo(x)
def merge_SeqInfo(objects: List[SeqInfo]) -> SeqInfo:
"""Merge multiple :py:class:`~SeqInfo` objects, taking the union of all reference sequences. If the same reference
sequence is present with the same details across ``objects``, only a single instance is present in the final object;
if details are contradictory, they are replaced with None.
objects: List of ``SeqInfo`` objects.
A single merged ``SeqInfo`` object.
all_sequences = {}
for obj in objects:
for i, y in enumerate(obj._seqnames):
curlen = obj._seqlengths[i]
curcir = obj._is_circular[i]
curgen = obj._genome[i]
if y not in all_sequences:
all_sequences[y] = [curlen, curcir, curgen]
present = all_sequences[y]
prelen, precir, pregen = present
if prelen != curlen:
present[0] = None
if precir != curcir:
present[1] = None
if pregen != curgen:
present[2] = None
out_names = []
out_lengths = []
out_circular = []
out_genome = []
for k, v in all_sequences.items():
return SeqInfo(out_names, out_lengths, out_circular, out_genome, validate=False)