File-backed Arrays

This is the Python equivalent of Bioconductor’s HDF5Array package, providing a representation of HDF5-backed arrays within the delayedarray framework. The idea is to allow users to store, manipulate and operate on large datasets without loading them into memory, in a manner that is trivially compatible with other data structures in the BiocPy ecosystem.


These classes follow a functional paradigm for accessing or setting properties, with further details discussed in functional paradigm section.


This package is published to PyPI and can be installed via the usual methods:

pip install hdf5array tiledbarray

HDF5-backed arrays

Let’s mock up a dense array:

import numpy
data = numpy.random.rand(40, 50)

import h5py
with h5py.File("whee.h5", "w") as handle:
    handle.create_dataset("yay", data=data)

We can now represent it as a Hdf5DenseArray:

import hdf5array
arr = hdf5array.Hdf5DenseArray("whee.h5", "yay", native_order=True)
<40 x 50> Hdf5DenseArray object of type 'float64'
[[0.6137166 , 0.527271  , 0.93094047, ..., 0.89824058, 0.3751469 ,
 [0.97032952, 0.17491716, 0.9653401 , ..., 0.16868539, 0.86533484,
 [0.25271991, 0.21226941, 0.63550637, ..., 0.68211344, 0.25971667,
 [0.98859864, 0.74363204, 0.47433832, ..., 0.94123875, 0.45731422,
 [0.72920257, 0.41178416, 0.79736108, ..., 0.19227502, 0.49228222,
 [0.56070914, 0.39983991, 0.48079399, ..., 0.76084754, 0.43936791,

This is just a subclass of a DelayedArray and can be used anywhere in the BiocPy framework. Parts of the NumPy API are also supported - for example, we could apply a variety of delayed operations:

scaling = numpy.random.rand(100)
transformed = numpy.log1p(arr / scaling)
<40 x 50> DelayedArray object of type 'float64'
[[8.48910063, 0.45282309, 0.86869162, ..., 0.64237837, 0.36916216,
 [8.9471275 , 0.17395586, 0.88991513, ..., 0.15632231, 0.70802249,
 [7.60214298, 0.20748297, 0.66507891, ..., 0.52129451, 0.26936297,
 [8.9657778 , 0.59209249, 0.53361019, ..., 0.66481297, 0.43458535,
 [8.66148636, 0.36969894, 0.78172189, ..., 0.17635798, 0.46117954,
 [8.39878913, 0.36069396, 0.5392223 , ..., 0.56712022, 0.420657  ,

Check out the documentation for more details.

Handling sparse matrices

We support a variety of compressed sparse formats where the non-zero elements are held inside three separate datasets - usually data, indices and indptr, based on the 10X Genomics sparse HDF5 format. To demonstrate, let’s mock up some sparse data using scipy:

import scipy.sparse
mock = scipy.sparse.random(1000, 200, 0.1).tocsc()

with h5py.File("sparse_whee.h5", "w") as handle:
    handle.create_dataset("sparse_blah/data",, compression="gzip")
    handle.create_dataset("sparse_blah/indices", data=mock.indices, compression="gzip")
    handle.create_dataset("sparse_blah/indptr", data=mock.indptr, compression="gzip")

We can then create a sparse HDF5-backed matrix.


Note that there is some variation in this HDF5 compressed sparse format, notably where the dimensions are stored and whether it is column/row-major.

The constructor will not do any auto-detection so we need to provide this information explicitly:

import hdf5array
arr = hdf5array.Hdf5CompressedSparseMatrix(
    shape=(100, 200), 
<100 x 200> sparse Hdf5CompressedSparseMatrix object of type 'float64'
[[0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.        ,
  0.        ],
 [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.        ,
  0.        ],
 [0.        , 0.72135589, 0.        , ..., 0.64795697, 0.        ,
  0.        ],
 [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.86939557,
 [0.57983664, 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.        ,
  0.        ],
 [0.        , 0.        , 0.        , ..., 0.        , 0.80669413,
  0.        ]]

TileDB-backed arrays

Let’s mock up a dense array:

import numpy
import tiledb

data = numpy.random.rand(40, 50)
tiledb.from_numpy("dense.tiledb", data)
DenseArray(uri='dense.tiledb', mode=r, ndim=2)

We can now represent it as a TileDbArray:

import tiledbarray
arr = tiledbarray.TileDbArray("dense.tiledb", attribute_name="")

This is just a subclass of a DelayedArray and can be used anywhere in the BiocPy framework. Parts of the NumPy API are also supported - for example, we could apply a variety of delayed operations:

scaling = numpy.random.rand(100)
transformed = numpy.log1p(arr / scaling)
<40 x 50> DelayedArray object of type 'float64'
[[0.38570168, 1.34329305, 0.37061962, ..., 0.18149232, 0.48812983,
 [0.01007671, 1.1368437 , 0.9035832 , ..., 0.16488582, 0.60526886,
 [0.48338776, 0.71156784, 0.72885705, ..., 0.69442619, 0.48340426,
 [0.31601366, 0.35049416, 0.58996299, ..., 0.51546406, 0.14903065,
 [0.14035231, 0.85252485, 0.67058939, ..., 0.67844625, 0.02391537,
 [0.69106365, 0.11115126, 0.23616254, ..., 0.69022239, 0.08169617,

Check out the documentation for more details.

Sparse Matrices

We can perform similar operations on a sparse matrix as well. Lets mock a sparse matrix and store it as a tiledb file.

dir_path = "sparse_array.tiledb"
dom = tiledb.Domain(
     tiledb.Dim(name="rows", domain=(0, 4), tile=4, dtype=numpy.int32),
     tiledb.Dim(name="cols", domain=(0, 4), tile=4, dtype=numpy.int32),
schema = tiledb.ArraySchema(
     domain=dom, sparse=True, attrs=[tiledb.Attr(name="", dtype=numpy.int32)]
tiledb.SparseArray.create(f"{dir_path}", schema)

tdb = tiledb.SparseArray(f"{dir_path}", mode="w")
i, j = [1, 2, 2], [1, 4, 3]
data = numpy.array(([1, 2, 3]))
tdb[i, j] = data

We can now represent this as a TileDbArray:

import tiledbarray
arr = tiledbarray.TileDbArray(dir_path, attribute_name="")

slices = (slice(0, 2), [2, 3])

import delayedarray
subset = delayedarray.extract_sparse_array(arr, (*slices,))
<2 x 2> SparseNdarray object of type 'int32'
[[0, 0],
 [0, 0]]

Further reading

  • Just like delayedarrays, you can use file-backed matrices to represent experimental data in summarized experiment and its derivates, reducing the in-memory footprint to load large datasets.
  • Check out the documentation for more details.