Seamless analysis workflow

In this section, we will illustrate a workflow that utilizes either language-agnostic representations for storing genomic data or reading RDS files directly in Python, to facilitate seamless access to datasets and analysis results.

Load dataset


Check out

To begin, we will download the “zilionis lung” dataset from the scRNAseq package. Subsequently, we will store this dataset as an RDS file.


sce <- ZeiselBrainData()
sub <- sce[,1:2000]
saveRDS(sub, "../assets/data/zilinois-lung-subset.rds")

To demonstrate this workflow, we will use the models from the CellTypist package to annotate cell types for this dataset. CellTypist operates on an AnnData representation.

from rds2py import read_rds, as_summarized_experiment
import numpy as np

r_object = read_rds("../assets/data/zilinois-lung-subset.rds")
sce = as_summarized_experiment(r_object)
adata, _ = sce.to_anndata()
adata.X = np.log1p(adata.layers["counts"])
adata.var.index = adata.var["genes"].tolist()
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.18/x64/lib/python3.9/site-packages/genomicranges/ UserWarning: 'seqnames' is deprecated, use 'get_seqnames' instead
  warn("'seqnames' is deprecated, use 'get_seqnames' instead", UserWarning)
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2000 × 41861
    obs: 'Library', 'Barcode', 'Patient', 'Tissue', 'Used', 'Barcoding emulsion', 'Total counts', 'Percent counts from mitochondrial genes', 'Most likely LM22 cell type', 'Major cell type', 'Minor subset', 'used_in_NSCLC_all_cells', 'used_in_NSCLC_and_blood_immune', 'used_in_NSCLC_immune', 'used_in_NSCLC_non_immune', 'used_in_blood'
    var: 'genes'
    layers: 'counts'

Download ML models

Before inferring cell types, let’s download the “human lung atlas” model from CellTypist.

import celltypist
from celltypist import models

model_name = "Human_Lung_Atlas.pkl"
model = models.Model.load(model = model_name)
📜 Retrieving model list from server
📚 Total models in list: 44
📂 Storing models in /home/runner/.celltypist/data/models
💾 Downloading model [1/44]: Immune_All_Low.pkl
💾 Downloading model [2/44]: Immune_All_High.pkl
💾 Downloading model [3/44]: Adult_CynomolgusMacaque_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [4/44]: Adult_Human_PancreaticIslet.pkl
💾 Downloading model [5/44]: Adult_Human_Skin.pkl
💾 Downloading model [6/44]: Adult_Mouse_Gut.pkl
💾 Downloading model [7/44]: Adult_Mouse_OlfactoryBulb.pkl
💾 Downloading model [8/44]: Adult_Pig_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [9/44]: Adult_RhesusMacaque_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [10/44]: Autopsy_COVID19_Lung.pkl
💾 Downloading model [11/44]: COVID19_HumanChallenge_Blood.pkl
💾 Downloading model [12/44]: COVID19_Immune_Landscape.pkl
💾 Downloading model [13/44]: Cells_Fetal_Lung.pkl
💾 Downloading model [14/44]: Cells_Intestinal_Tract.pkl
💾 Downloading model [15/44]: Cells_Lung_Airway.pkl
💾 Downloading model [16/44]: Developing_Human_Brain.pkl
💾 Downloading model [17/44]: Developing_Human_Gonads.pkl
💾 Downloading model [18/44]: Developing_Human_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [19/44]: Developing_Human_Organs.pkl
💾 Downloading model [20/44]: Developing_Human_Thymus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [21/44]: Developing_Mouse_Brain.pkl
💾 Downloading model [22/44]: Developing_Mouse_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [23/44]: Fetal_Human_AdrenalGlands.pkl
💾 Downloading model [24/44]: Fetal_Human_Pancreas.pkl
💾 Downloading model [25/44]: Fetal_Human_Pituitary.pkl
💾 Downloading model [26/44]: Fetal_Human_Retina.pkl
💾 Downloading model [27/44]: Fetal_Human_Skin.pkl
💾 Downloading model [28/44]: Healthy_Adult_Heart.pkl
💾 Downloading model [29/44]: Healthy_COVID19_PBMC.pkl
💾 Downloading model [30/44]: Healthy_Human_Liver.pkl
💾 Downloading model [31/44]: Healthy_Mouse_Liver.pkl
💾 Downloading model [32/44]: Human_AdultAged_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [33/44]: Human_Developmental_Retina.pkl
💾 Downloading model [34/44]: Human_Embryonic_YolkSac.pkl
💾 Downloading model [35/44]: Human_IPF_Lung.pkl
💾 Downloading model [36/44]: Human_Longitudinal_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [37/44]: Human_Lung_Atlas.pkl
💾 Downloading model [38/44]: Human_PF_Lung.pkl
💾 Downloading model [39/44]: Lethal_COVID19_Lung.pkl
💾 Downloading model [40/44]: Mouse_Dentate_Gyrus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [41/44]: Mouse_Isocortex_Hippocampus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [42/44]: Mouse_Postnatal_DentateGyrus.pkl
💾 Downloading model [43/44]: Nuclei_Lung_Airway.pkl
💾 Downloading model [44/44]: Pan_Fetal_Human.pkl
CellTypist model with 61 cell types and 5017 features
    date: 2023-05-17 19:51:55.661237
    details: integrated Human Lung Cell Atlas (HLCA) combining multiple datasets of the healthy respiratory system
    version: v2
    cell types: AT0, AT1, ..., pre-TB secretory
    features: TSPAN6, FGR, ..., RP1-34B20.21

Now, let’s annotate our dataset.

predictions = celltypist.annotate(adata, model = model_name, majority_voting = True)
⚠️ Warning: invalid expression matrix, expect ALL genes and log1p normalized expression to 10000 counts per cell. The prediction result may not be accurate
🔬 Input data has 2000 cells and 41861 genes
🔗 Matching reference genes in the model
🧬 4829 features used for prediction
⚖️ Scaling input data
🖋️ Predicting labels
✅ Prediction done!
👀 Can not detect a neighborhood graph, will construct one before the over-clustering
⛓️ Over-clustering input data with resolution set to 5
🗳️ Majority voting the predictions
✅ Majority voting done!
            predicted_labels over_clustering       majority_voting
bcIIOD        Neuroendocrine               4          Hillock-like
bcHTNA  Monocyte-derived Mph              28  Monocyte-derived Mph
bcDLAV  EC general capillary               4          Hillock-like
bcHNVA  Monocyte-derived Mph              28  Monocyte-derived Mph
bcALZN  Monocyte-derived Mph              26  Monocyte-derived Mph
...                      ...             ...                   ...
bcCXKF         Basal resting              16                   DC2
bcHCHL  EC general capillary               7           CD4 T cells
bcESWD         Basal resting              31         Basal resting
bcEKPJ           CD4 T cells              22         Basal resting
bcEFKS           CD4 T cells               2         Basal resting

[2000 rows x 3 columns]

This CellTypist workflow is based on the tutorial described here.

Next, let’s retrieve the AnnData object with the predicted labels embedded into the obs dataframe.

adata = predictions.to_adata()
AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 2000 × 41861
    obs: 'Library', 'Barcode', 'Patient', 'Tissue', 'Used', 'Barcoding emulsion', 'Total counts', 'Percent counts from mitochondrial genes', 'Most likely LM22 cell type', 'Major cell type', 'Minor subset', 'used_in_NSCLC_all_cells', 'used_in_NSCLC_and_blood_immune', 'used_in_NSCLC_immune', 'used_in_NSCLC_non_immune', 'used_in_blood', 'predicted_labels', 'over_clustering', 'majority_voting', 'conf_score'
    var: 'genes'
    uns: 'neighbors', 'leiden'
    obsm: 'X_pca'
    layers: 'counts'
    obsp: 'connectivities', 'distances'

Save results

We can now reverse the workflow and save this object into an Artifactdb format from Python. However, the object needs to be converted to a SingleCellExperiment class first. Read more about our experiment representations here.

from singlecellexperiment import SingleCellExperiment

sce = SingleCellExperiment.from_anndata(adata)
class: SingleCellExperiment
dimensions: (41861, 2000)
assays(2): ['counts', 'X']
row_data columns(1): ['genes']
row_names(41861): ['5S_rRNA', '5_8S_rRNA', '7SK', ..., 'snoZ6', 'snosnR66', 'uc_338']
column_data columns(20): ['Library', 'Barcode', 'Patient', ..., 'over_clustering', 'majority_voting', 'conf_score']
column_names(2000): ['bcIIOD', 'bcHTNA', 'bcDLAV', ..., 'bcESWD', 'bcEKPJ', 'bcEFKS']
reduced_dims(0): []
alternative_experiments(0): []
row_pairs(0): []
column_pairs(0): []
metadata(2): neighbors leiden

We use the dolomite suite to save it into a language-agnostic format from Python.

import dolomite_base
import dolomite_sce

dolomite_base.save_object(sce, "./zilinois_lung_with_celltypist")

Finally, read the object back in R.

sce_with_celltypist <- readObject(path=paste(getwd(), "zilinois_lung_with_celltypist", sep="/"))

And that concludes the workflow. Leveraging the generic read functions readObject (R) and read_object (Python), along with the save functions saveObject (R) and save_object (Python), you can seamlessly store most Bioconductor objects in language-agnostic formats.

Further reading